Course Project: Serial-to-Parallel Converter

Authored by James Skelly


Due Dates:

·        First half of the project (just the serial-parallel converter schematics, no layout), of your design and an html report detailing 

operation (including simulations), is due at the beginning of lab on Nov. 14.

·        Second half of the project, a verified layout and documentation (in html), is due at the beginning of lab on Nov. 21.



·        Inputs: Din, clock_in

·        Outputs: D0-D7, clock_out

·        Speed of Operation:

o   Serial Input: 10Mbits/s

o   Parallel Output: 1.25MWords/s

·        Simulations: Show various inputs to prove the design works.


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Flip-Flop Design


The flip-flop schematic consists of four transmission gates and four inverters.


Transmission Gate (TG) Using 6u/0.6u NMOS and PMOS Devices





Inverter Using 6u/0.6u NMOS and PMOS Devices





D Flip-Flop Schematic (TGs and Inverters Use 6u/0.6u NMOS and PMOS Devices)





Symbol View of D Flip-Flop

The D Flip-Flop Contains inputs D and CLK and outputs Q and Qi.




Layout and Extracted View of D Flip-Flop







LVS and DRC verifications were successful, as can be seen in the images above.



D Flip-Flop Simulation Results



The following simulation tests the function of the D flip-flop. We can observe Q on different rising clock edges.



From the simulation above, we can observe that the D Flip-Flop is working properly.

·        For a Positive Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop, Q gets D on the rising edge of CLK.

·        The output Q floats until the clock signal rises, and Q gets D on that edge.

·        The output Q goes low at 30us because D is low, and CLK pulses high at 30us.

·        The output Q goes high at 70us because D is high, and CLK pulses high at 70us.

·        The output Q stays high for the remainder of the analysis because D is high on every clock edge.


The D Flip-Flop that was created above will be the essential building block of the three circuits that make up the serial-to-parallel converter.

These three circuits are the shift register, hold register, and clock divide circuits.






Shift Register


The 8-bit shift register is created by cascading eight D flip-flops, the first of which takes in a serial data input (in this case, Din).

The output of each flip-flop “Q” is connected directly to the data input of the next flip-flop in the cascade.

The shift register “shifts” data down the cascaded flip-flops on each rising edge of clock (in this case, clock_in).



The outputs of each flip-flop are fed into an output bus, Q<7:0>. This bus will be the input to the hold register.


Symbol View of Shift Register




Layout and Extracted View of Shift Register













We see that the LVS and DRC verification were successful.





Hold Register


The hold register is also created by instantiating eight D flip-flops, but not cascading them as was done in the shift register.

The outputs Q7-Q0 of the shift register are fed into the D inputs of the flip-flops in the hold register.

The hold register holds the data Q7-Q0 on the D inputs until the clock signal (in this case, clock_out) has a rising edge.



Symbol View of Hold Register


We are trying to output an 8-bit binary word in parallel, representing the serial input Din on the output bits D7-D0.

In order for all 8-bits to be output in parallel at the same instant in time, we need a different clock signal, slower than clock_in, that

will pulse after all 8 bits Q7-Q0 have been loaded onto the inputs of the hold register. For this, we create the clock divide circuit.


Layout and Extracted View of Hold Register












We see that the LVS and DRC verifications were successful.





Clock Divide


The clock divide circuit takes in a “master clock” signal (clock_in) on the clock terminal of the first flip flop.


Let Q be given a random initial value 0. This means Qi has the value 1, which is fed into D.

When clock_in goes high, Q gets the value of D, which is 1 here. After this first clock edge, Q is now 1, and Qi is 0.

Qi and D share the same value, so D is also 0. When clock_in pulses a second time, Q gets the value of D, which is 0.

We now have clock_in which has gone through two clock cycles, and Q is high for the first cycle, and low for the second.

This means Q is effectively a clock signal with half the frequency of the master clock signal. 



Symbol View of Clock Divider



Layout and Extracted View of Clock Divider











The clock divider has successful LVS and DRC verifications as well.



Clock Divide Simulation Circuit



The simulation below shows plots of the master clock signal (clock_in), along with the outputs of the three D flip-flops

which make up the clock divide circuit. Clock_in has a frequency of 10MHz.


In the above simulation, T is the period of clock_in.


·        The output of the first flip-flop is clock_in divided by 2, or clock_over_2. (f = 5 MHz)

·        The output of the second flip-flop is clock_in divided by 4, or clock_over_4. (f = 2.5 MHz)

·        The output of the third flip-flop is clock_in divided by 8, or clock_over_8. (f = 1.25 MHz)

o   Clock_over_8 will be our clock_out signal which will be used to control our hold register timing.






Creating Symbol View for Complete Serial-to-Parallel Converter






Complete Serial-to-Parallel Converter Layout and Extracted View











Our LVS and DRC verifications for the overall circuit are successful.





Simulation Results Using Piecewise Linear Voltage Source


The image below shows the top-level view of the converter, which will be used to run two simulations

to test the operation of the circuit.


Inputs to the circuit include:

·        10 MHz clock signal, clock_in

·        Piecewise Linear Voltage Source, Din


Outputs of the circuit include:

·        1.25 MHz (clock_in / 8) clock signal, clock_out

·        Parallel output bus of hold register, D<0:7>








Three distinct simulations were ran to test the circuit’s operation.


·        In the first simulation, the piecewise linear voltage source supplies 8-bit binary word 10011001

into the Din serial input terminal of the converter.


First Piecewise Linear Voltage Source Waveform for Din





In the plot above, we see the input signal Din (starting at 10us) representing 8-bit serial input 10011001.

We see output bits D7-D0 representing the 8-bit parallel output 10011001 after 1 full cycle of clock_out (goes high at 80 us). 






Second Piecewise Linear Voltage Source Waveform for Din


·        In the second simulation, the piecewise linear voltage source supplies 8-bit binary word 01010111

into the Din serial input terminal of the converter.





In the plot above, we see the input signal Din (starting at 10us) representing 8-bit serial input 01010111.

We see output bits D7-D0 representing the 8-bit parallel output 01010111 after 1 full cycle of clock_out (goes high at 80 us).






Third Piecewise Linear Voltage Source Waveform for Din


·        In the third simulation, the piecewise linear voltage source supplies 8-bit binary word 00001111

into the Din serial input terminal of the converter.





In the plot above, we see the input signal Din (starting at 10us) representing 8-bit serial input 00001111.

We see output bits D7-D0 representing the 8-bit parallel output 00001111 after 1 full cycle of clock_out (goes high at 80 us). 









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