EE 421L – Digital IC Design Lab – Lab 4 

Authored by James Skelly


September 24, 2018


Lab description

·        In this lab, we will generate the IV curves and layout both NMOS and PMOS devices.





Going Through Tutorial 2


·        In its entirety, tutorial 2 takes us through:

o   Schematic and Layout of NMOS

o   Schematic and Layout of PMOS

o   Test Circuit and IV Curves of NMOS

o   Test Circuit and IV Curves of PMOS


These are pictures of my layouts from completing tutorial 2.





Lab Tasks


·        Generate 4 schematics and simulations

o   A schematic for simulating ID v. VDS of an NMOS device for VGS varying from 0 to 5 V in 1 V steps while VDS varies from 0 to 5 V in 1 mV steps. Use a 6u/600n width-to-length ratio.

o   A schematic for simulating ID v. VGS of an NMOS device for VDS = 100 mV where VGS varies from 0 to 2 V in 1 mV steps. Again use a 6u/600n width-to-length ratio. 

o   A schematic for simulating ID v. VSD (note VSD not VDS) of a PMOS device for VSG (not VGS) varying from 0 to 5 V in 1 V steps while VSD varies from 0 to 5 V in 1 mV steps. Use a 12u/600n width-to-length ratio. 

o   A schematic for simulating ID v. VSG of a PMOS device for VSD = 100 mV where VSG varies from 0 to 2 V in 1 mV steps. Again, use a 12u/600n width-to-length ratio.  

·        Lay out a 6u/0.6u NMOS device and connect all 4 MOSFET terminals to probe pads (which can be considerably smaller than bond pads [see MOSIS design rules] and directly adjacent to the MOSFET (so the layout is relative small). 

o   Show your layout passes DRCs. 

o   Make a corresponding schematic so you can LVS your layout. 

·        Lay out a 12u/0.6u PMOS device and connect all 4 MOSFET terminals to probe pads. 

o   Show your layout passes DRCs. 

o   Make a corresponding schematic so you can LVS your layout.





Creating Schematics/Symbol Views for NMOS/PMOS


·        Before beginning simulations, we needed to create schematics and symbols for the transistors that we would be using.



NMOS Schematic and Symbol



PMOS Schematic and Symbol



ID v. VDS of NMOS Device


·        In the first simulation, we let VDS vary from 0 to 5V in 1mV steps, and we sweep VGS from 0 to 5V in 1V steps.

·        We also set the length of the NMOS to 600 nm, and the width to 6 microns.


Shown below are the schematic and the IV curves of this NMOS with the given parameters.



ID v. VGS of NMOS Device


·        In the second simulation, we set VDS at a constant value of 100mV, and we sweep VGS from 0 to 2V in 1mV steps.

·        We keep the same length and width of our MOSFET, and instead of simulating ID v. VDS as we did previously, we simulate ID v. VGS.


The schematic and IV curves are shown below.



ID v. VSD of PMOS Device


·        The third simulation calls for a sweep of VSG from 0 to 5V in 1V steps, and VSD should vary from 0 to 5V in 1 mV steps.

·        The width of the PMOS is changed to 12 microns, while the length is kept at 600 nm.

·        Note that the base of the PMOS is tied to VDD in this schematic. In the NMOS schematics, the base was tied to ground.


Below are the schematic and the IV curves for the PMOS device.



ID v. VSG of PMOS Device


·        For the final simulation, we set VSD to 100 mV and we sweep VSG from 0 to 2V in 1 mV steps.


Using the same width and length of the previous MOSFET, we observe the results below.




Layout of 6.0u/0.6u NMOS Device


Full Layout of NMOS Including Probe Pads



Zoomed-In View of Layout of NMOS Device, DRC, LVS Verification





Layout of 12.0u/0.6u PMOS Device


Full Layout of PMOS Including Probe Pads



Zoomed-In View of Layout of PMOS Device, DRC, LVS Verification















Backing Up Work


Zipped-Up lab 4 directory, placed in google drive.





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