Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by David Silic,


Lab description:

This labs deals with posting lab reports on, works through setting up and using cadence design software, and sets precedent for backing up our lab work.


Image from the lab instructions:

Table with random numbers:











Lab 1:

First I completed the installation of Cadence and logged in to MobaXterm:

Next I Proceed to install the proper libraries and bashrc files as outlined in the Tutorial:

Now I start up cadence using the command “virtuoso &”

This first opens the library manager as shown below. Note the installed libraries visible on the left side of the window.

Now I make a new cell called R_div and put down two 10k resistors on the schematic:

I than added GND and DC voltage source using the instantiate menue and the appropriate library and part:

Continueing to follow the tutorial I now launch the ADE and select Vin and Vout as the signals to plot:

Finally I sim the circuit and get an output plot:

Closer view of plot:

In conclusion, this lab was an intro into setting up and using the cadence design software, I was able to design and plot a simple voltage divider circuit which gives a solid foundation for future projects.

Now I make sure to save the work I have done on this lab

First I zip all the report files into a single folder:

Next I simply upload to a folder on my google drive account:

Thus I have both a copy on the computer and a copy backed up online which I can access from any location.

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