Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Marco Muniz,



Lab description

Image 1: The uploaded Snip.jpg image from the tutorial.


Lab 1:

In this lab, we will be setting up our MobaXterm accounts, in order to be able to use the Cadence design and simulation program. To do this, we need to follow the steps within the set up to learn how to use the functions of moba to create libraries and upload the needed files. Once this was done, we used commands to navigate to the CMOSedu directory and entered "Virtuoso &" into the command line to start the Cadence program. 

Image 2: Starting screen of cadence showing directory change and viruoso command.

Once this is done, we created a library for lab one so that we could bring up the folders and schematics that were unzipped in the last part. From here, we needed to bring up the schematic for a voltage divider and recreate it using a 1V supply and two 10K Ohm resistors. Once the components were layed on the schematic palge, we connected them with wires used the W hotkey and labeled these wires with the L hotkey.

Image 3: Set up Voltage Divider Schematic with all labels. Once this has all been set up, we can open the ADE L window in order to load the cell view and run various types of simulations. In this case, we are simulating the input and output voltage to show that the voltage division is taking place.
Image 4: The ADE window which shows the type of analysis being run, as well as what we are measuring.
Image 5: In this transient analysis, we can see that the input voltage is being measure at 1V and the output voltage is being measured at 0.5V. This analysis shows that the voltage divider schematic is doing as intended.


Part 2:
Backing up lab work

I have decided to back up my lab files in zipped folders on google drive and will frequenty re-save as I work on labs. I am doing this in case I ever have in issue in future labs and can always reference back to a past save to save myself from needless suffering. The steps to do this can be seen in the images above.

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