Lab 2 - EE 421L 

Design of a 10-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) 

Authored by Victor Martinez

September 9, 2018


Lab description: We'll use n-well resistors to implement a 10-bit DAC.


Setting up Lab 2:

We need to upload the zip file, lab 2, to the design directory on the server that Cadence is on.

Unzip this directory and add, to your cds.lib in the design directory, the following statement 

Open the schematic view of the cell sim_Ideal_ADC_DAC. Then run the simulation.

Schematic of sim_Ideal_ADC_DAC

Simulation of sim_Ideal_ADC_DAC

Simulation to show what is the LSB(  least significant bit )

From Figure 30.14, we find out that the calculate LSB you divide the VDD by 2^N which in this case is 10, the number of bits in out DAC. We get around 4.88 mV which is what is comfirmed above.


Using the DAC from the book

Designing 10-bit DAC using N-well R of 10k
After creating the schematic whihc is two resistors in series with one in parallel, I save and check. I made a symbol of the resistors.

Creating the DAC

The Delay

DAC with no Load

DAC with 10pF load

DAC with 10k and 1pF

In a real circuit, if the switch resistance was not small compared to R, the equivalent resistance of the entire DAC would not be R, and we would need to recalculate the resistance of the DAC in order to match the load resistance and maximize the output with a load connected.



I did have problems with simulation convergence, and needed to force the sims using the values above.

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