Lab 6 - ECE 421L 

Brian Medrano Kiaer


October 18, 2018


Prelab Work:

The purpose of the Lab 6 prelab is to learn how to create a NAND Gate in a schematic and a layout then DRC and LVS those two.

Above is the NAND2 Gate Schematic created from Tutorial_4

Above is the layout created for the NAND2 Gate created from Tutorial_4

Here I performed DRC (Verify->DRC) and LVS (Verify->LVS) to ensure that the schematic and the extracted NAND2 Gates correspond to each other efficiently.

Lab Work:

Draft the schematics of a 2-input NAND gate and a 2-input XOR gate using 6u/0.6u MOSFETs 

The schematic of a 2-input NAND gate (left) and a 2-input XOR gate (right).

The symbol cellviews for the 2-input NAND gate (left) and the 2-input XOR gate (right) with my initials within the symbols using Create -> Note -> Text.

Before creating the layouts for the NAND gate and the XOR gate. I created a standard cell frame that is taller than previous frames to ensure that I can use it for future assignments and projects.

The layout view for the NAND gate (left) and the extracted view of the NAND gate (right)

Next I performed a DRC check to ensure that there are no issues with the layout (Verify -> DRC).

Then I ran LVS (Verify->LVS) to ensure that there are no discrepancies between the schematic and the extracted view of the NAND gate.

The layout above is for the 2-input XOR gate (left) and the extracted view of the layout for the 2-input XOR gate (right)

I ran DRC and LVS on the layout to ensure there are no issues with the layout.  The net-lists matched.

I created a simulation schematic using three different gates Inverter, NAND, and XOR gate with the correspoding outputs Ai, AnandB, and AxorB. I used two different vpulse components to display the corresponding different values with different logic inputs. Input B runs half the period as input A. This simulation using spectre will provide the signals: 00, 01, 10, and 11.

Comment about glitching:

When the inputs transition from 01 to 10 we can see that the output of the XOR gate "glitches" due to the rise and fall time. When the inputs are transitioning, the XOR gate voltage tries to change simultaneously causing that short dip at 200ns. By reducing the rise and fall time, we can reduce the chance of this glitch.

Using the gates within this lab, a full adder is created using 3 NAND gates and 2 XOR gates. This schematic uses three inputs a,b, and cin and uses two outputs cout and s.

After drafting the full adder schematic, I created the symbol above in regards to what the symbol usually looks like on schematics for a full adder.

Here is the schematic implementing the full adder with three given inputs using "vpulse" to give logic inputs for the gates.
Here is the output for the drafted schematic of the full adder with the inputs: 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111

Above is the layout for the full adder, this is implemented using 5 gates side by side with three NAND gates and 2 XOR gates from left to right. Due to the complexity of the layout, metal2 has been used to ensure that wires do not cross and cause problematic outcomes. Furthermore, since these gates are laid out side by side, vdd! and gnd! can be connected easily. Also the layout has passed the DRC verification with no errors.

The extracted view of the full adder and  I performed the verification test LVS to ensure that the schematic and layout (extracted) netlist match accordingly.

After, I made sure to backup the files needed for this lab and the directory created within Cadence, which can be found here in


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