Lab 7 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Jovanne Dahan

November 11, 2018




·        4-bit Inverter


In order to create the 4-bit inverter seen below, I instantiated a 6u/6u inverter and set its name to I0<3:0>. Then I just had to make sure the input and output buses were also 4-bit wide. The resulting symbol I created for that inverter is the one seen below. Below we can see that we are using wires to pick which output bit we want to operate on. When a capacitor is connected as a load to the output, the rise and fall time of the output voltage are drastically altered.




·        8-bit NAND


Similar to the 4-bit inverter, I simply instantiated a 1-bit NAND gate and renamed it as I0<7:0> to signify that there are 8 NAND gates. Each bit of the word A and B will be operated on by their respective NAND gate.

NAND8_Schem NAND8_Sym



·        8-bit NOR


The schematic I used for a 1-bit NOR gate is as seen below. From this schematic I created a symbol, which is shown in the following image (the one with my initials). The next steps I took is the same from the 8-bit NAND gate.


NOR8_Schem NOR8_Sym



·        8-bit AND


For the 8-bit AND gate I used the NAND gate with an inverter connected to the output. I had to make sure that I specified for there to be eight inverters for the schematic to check and save.

AND8_Schem AND8_Sym



·        8-bit Inverter


The steps I took to draft the 8-bit inverter was the same as the 4-bit inverter. Nothing interesting.

Inv8_Schem Inv8_Sym



·        8-bit OR


Similar to the AND gate: I connected an 8-bit inverter to the output of the 8-bit NOR gate to create and 8-bit OR.

OR8_Schem OR8_Sym



·        Simulation of the Gates


This first simulation shows the operation of the gates for input combinations A=8’b1, B=8’b1 and A=0, B=0. All the gates are operating as expected, proven by the waveforms. I also only looked at the first bits of the outputs.

LogicGates_Sim1_Schematic LogicGates_Sim1_Simulation


The second simulation uses inputs A=1, B=1 and A=0, B=0. This is different from the previous pairs of inputs because these ones do not specify the specific bit. Therefore, it assumes all 8 bits of the word to be 1 for the first pair and zero for the second.

LogicGates_Sim2_Schematic LogicGates_Sim2_Simulation


The last simulation uses the input pairs A=1, B=0 and A=0, B=1. The gates still function correctly but there are spikes during the rise and fall times.

LogicGates_Sim3_Schematic LogicGates_Sim3_Simulation



·        2-to-1 MUX/DEMUX Schematic and Symbol


I used the images in the Lab 7 page as a reference to draft the schematic shown below.

2to1_MUX_DEMUX_Schem 2to1_MUX_DEMUX_Sym


1.  2-to-1 MUX Simulation


In this simulation we have A=1 and B=0. Select is a logic “1” on the first half-cycle and logic “0” on the other. In the waveform below we can see that Out = A when S (select) is “1” and Out = B when S is “0”.

2to1_MUX_Schem 2to1_MUX_Sim


2.  2-to-1 DEMUX Simulation


In the following DEMUX simulation I allowed z to be logic “1”. When S=1 A becomes “1” and when S=0 B becomes “1”. When either of them are not logic “1” we can see from the waveforms that they increase in voltage. In that state they are in highZ mode because there is no load connected to them.

2to1_DEMUX_Schem 2to1_DEMUX_Sim



·        8-bit MUX/DEMUX


Like with the previous 8-bit gates, I renamed the MUX to I0<7:0> to signify that there are 8 of them. I also connected an 8-bit inverter from S to Si so that we would only require one input for the select.

8bit_2to1_MUX_Schem 8bit_2to1_MUX_Sym


1.  8-bit MUX/DEMUX Simulations


The first simulation is a simple one: A=1, B=0 and S alternates between “0” and “1”. From the waveform we can conclude that when select is “0” Z=B; and when select is “1” Z=A. This is no different from the 1-bit MUX/DEMUX.

8bit_2to1_MUX_Sim_Schem1 8bit_2to1_MUX_Sim_sim1


For the second simulation let A=8’b00011111 and B=8’b00000000 (with the same select input as the previous simulation). From the waveform below we can see that when select is “1” – that is, Z=A – the output is also 8’b00011111.

8bit_2to1_MUX_SIm_Schem2 8bit_2to1_MUX_Sim_sim2



·        1-bit Full Adder


For the schematic I simply followed figure 12.20. I used 6u/.6u for the NMOS and PMOS and 6u/6u for the inverter.

FA_Schem FA_Sym



·        8-bit Full Adder

Using the symbol from the 1-bit full adder, I renamed it with I0<7:0> to make it an 8-bit full adder. The schematic and symbol is shown below.

FA8_Schem FA8_Sym


1.   8-bit Full Adder Simulations


For the simulation I decided to add A=4 + B=3. I did so by letting A<7:3>=0, A<2>=1, and A<1:0>=0 for A=8’b00000100. For B, I let B<7:2>=0 and B<1:0>=1 in order for be to equal 8’b00000011. The simulation shows that the output S=8’b00000111=7, which is the expected value.

FA8_Simulaton_Schem FA8_Simulation_Sim


2.  Layout and DRC


In order to make the layout for the 8-bit full adder, I first made a layout for the 1-bit adder (seen below). After that I was able to DRC and LVS that layout I instantiated eight of them to make the 8-bit full adder. I had to rename all the As and Bs to their corresponding bit. Then I connected the Cn+1 to the Cn of the next full adder (and the last Cn+1 connects to the first Cn).






3.  LVS



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