Lab 4 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Jovanne Dahan

25 September 2018




·        ID v. VDS Curves for NMOS


Following the instructions, I set VDS=0 and VGS=VGS, and (although not shown here) VBS=gnd. Launching ADEL and following the rest of the instructions resulted in the I-V curves shown below. As expected, the curves follow expected NMOS I-V curves.




·        ID v. VGS Curves for NMOS


Using Ch6_IC61 Fig6_19_NMOS_ID_VGS as a reference, I connected node B to the negative terminal of VSB resulting in the schematic below. At first I believed the I-V curves to be inaccurate because they do not look like the exponential curves that I expected. However, this is due to the fact that VGS varies from 0 to 2V, which is a large range compared to the Fig 6.19’s 500mV.




·        ID v. VSD Curves for PMOS


Below is an image of my PMOS circuit with the body connected to Vdd = 5V.




·        ID v. VGS Curves for PMOS


Again, I used Ch6_IC61 Fig6_19_PMOS_ID_VSG as a reference for generating the ID v. VGS curves. In my circuit, VBS is connected to the body of the PMOS. By varying the voltage of VBS from 0 to 1 in five steps, the waveforms below are generated.

4 4waveform



·        NMOS Device


Creating the layout for the NMOS with the terminals connected to probe pads was difficult at first. Firstly, I had to figure out that metal1 connects to metal2 using the via layer and metal2 to metal3 using via2. Then, I had to make sure that the pads were 30um apart from each other and the metal2s; also, that the metal3s were 0.9um apart. After completing all those checks,  I obtained the layout shown below.




After many attempts the design rule check of the layout resulted in no errors as seen below.



Below, the images for the extracted view and the schematic used for LVS are shown. 

NMOS_extracted NMOS_Schematic




The LVS resulted in a matching net-list between the extracted view of the layout and the schematic.






·        PMOS Device


Creating the layout for the PMOS was a lot easier because I learned from all my failures laying out the NMOS.




The DRC shows no errors were found.



The dimensions of the extracted view of the layout and the schematic match: a good start to an LVS job.

PMOS_extracted PMOS_Schematic


The LVS job for the PMOS shows that the net-list match.




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