Lab 1 - ECE 421L

Layout and Simulation of a Resistive Voltage Divider 

Authored by Shadden Abdalla



Lab description:

In this lab, I created and simulated a resistive voltage divider schematic using Cadence Virtuoso in the ON’s C5 process using the MOSIS SCMOS design rules.



I created a CMOSedu account and edited my webpage, seen below.






1.  Set up Cadence using MobaXterm.


Create library: Tutorial_1 and then define it in the cdslib.


Below is the definition.


Create R_div schematic by instantiating two 10k resistors, a gnd, and a DC voltage source. I also added two wire labels and labeled both “in” and “out.”


I launched the ADE L and set up the circuit on a transient analysis of 1 second. Then I clicked on the wire labels that I wanted to plot and plotted “in” and “out.”



I saved the state into the cellview as “spectre_state1” before running the analysis.



Then I pressed the green play button in the ADE L to view the output. I changed the background color and lines.


Then I zipped up and saved the file.

I clicked on Tutorial_1 in the MobaXterm page (Cadence start window) and downladed it to my desktop into the 421lab1 folder.


Below is an image of the downloaded Tutorial_1 folder as well as the zipped up version of the same folder, seen diagonal to the Tutorial_1 original downloaded folder.


Then I put the zipped up file into the google drive and backed it up.




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