01 - EE 421L
Authored by Ethan Tash,
This lab will demonstrate my reading and comprehension of all source
material related to the formating and submission of lab reports for
this course.
We will be utilizing the mobaXterm application to open a terminal to
remotely access the Cadence server, and from there we will run the
virtuoso application and make use of the design and simulation
environment Spectre (which is Spice). All documentation in the form of
images will be done with microsoft's built in screenshot application
the Snipping Tool. Documentation will be in the form of the ADE
schematics and simulations along with hand calculations corresponding
to Spectre's simulations.
All lab reports will be formatted and published to the EE 421 Lab page
using the web page editor KompoZer and all lab reports will be zipped
and backed up to my google drive.
My first lab will utilize simulations and calculations from the second
homework assignment of the EE 421 lecture portion of the course.
01: Remote login into the Cadence Server
Fig 02: Schematic opened in virtuoso of RC
Fig 03: ADE tool box to run transient response simulation using Spectre

Fig 04: Simulation
Fig 05: Corresponding hand calculations

Fig 06: Image of backed up zip file located in my google drive
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