Lab 5 - EE 421L
Prachi Patel
Oct 11, 2017
For the prelab we completed Tutorial 3 to create inverter using NMOS
and PMOS. The 12u/6u inverter created was used for Lab 5. Pictures
included in the lab.
Below is my backup work on Google Drive

are the schematics for the inverters created using PMOS and NMOS
devices. The 12u/6u inverter was created during the prelab and I used
that to create the 48u/24u by changing the multiplier to m=4.

Similarly, the first symbol was created during the prelab and I
created the second symbol for the lab using the 48u/24u schematic.

Next was layout for the inverters. First one is for 12u/6u and uses
ntap, pmos, m1_poly, nmos and ptap. For the second one, I changed the
multiplier of 4 again while also changing the rows of ntap, ptap and
m1_poly to match the devices. Below are the layout at display depth 10
and DRC with 0 errors.

Then I extracted the layouts and ran LVS and as seen below, the netlists matched.

For the simulations, we were required to use 4 capacitive loads: 100fF,
1fF, 10pF, and 100pF. I attempted two different ways. First, I tested
out by running simulations using each one of them one at a time
directly. Then I used parametric analysis to run them faster and also
made sure the simulations match with the individual ones.
For the analysis, I set the transient analysis to 25ns in Ultrasim and
used A and Ai for the output plots. In the parametric analysis, I set
the value of C to 0 and then ran the range from 100f to 100p on auto
step mode with 4 steps.

The model libraries used for pmos and nmos devices simulations.

Here are the results. First simulation for 12u/6u and second simulation is for 48u/24u.

The cadence files for the lab 5 can be downloaded here:
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