Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Prachi Patel,


Lab - August 30, 2017

Due - September 6, 2017


Lab description

For this lab we learn the basics of using virtuoso in cadence and editing website for the lab reports. We will use Tutorial_1 as a guide for schematics and simulations on cadence.


I used FileZilla to connect to the CMOSedu and cadence server so I can upload and download files. After logging into my account, I edited the .bashrc and added the lines as instructed in the Tutorial.

editing cdslib

I already had NCSU-CDK-1.6.0.beta downloaded from lecture, so I verified that I had correct libraries added to cds.lib and followed instructions further to replace divaDRC, divaEXT and divaLVS files with unlocked ones.

Tutorial_1 Lib in cdslib

I confirmed that my Tutorial_1 library has been added on to cds.lib

Creating Tutorial_1 Lib

Next, I used X-Quartz Terminal to log in to my cadence account and changed directory to CMOSedu so I can work with correct design files. I launched virtuoso and used Tutorial_1 library for this lab.

Opening the schematic

I opened a blank schematic using File->New under the Tutorial_1 library.

Adding component

To add componenets, I used NCSU_Analog_Parts Library in component browser.

Editing component

After adding the component on the schematic, I was able to edit the component using bindkey Q.

Complete schematic

This is the completed schematic as required by lab tutorial.

Spectre as simulator

Next, I launched ADE L to simulate my schematic. To make sure I was working with correct setup, I went to setup->Simulator/Directory/Host and made sure the simulator was Spectre.

Analysis in tran

For analyses, I used tran and 1s time frame.

output plots

Here, I did output->output plots->choose from schematic and went back to the schematic to select the nodes I would like to see on the waveform. I chose Vin and Vout.


After saving the schematic, I finally press the green play icon to run the simulation. Above is the result I simulated using cadence, virtuoso.


I am using Google Drive for my EE 421 Lab. I have the Lab and the Lecture seperated to keep information well organized.


In the EE421 LAB->LAB 1 folder on Google Drive, I have uploaded all the screenshots used for this lab and also the Lab1.htm file so I always have back up and access to these.

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