Lab 3 - EE 421L 

Authored by Trevor Ensign

September 20, 2017 

Pre-Lab Work


For the pre-lab, all of my previous work was backed up to my Google drive, and Tutorial 1 was completed. This involved creating a layout10K n-well resistor and resistor voltage divider. The results of this can be seen below.


Lab Work


For this lab, a layout for the 10-bit DAC from lab 2 was constructed. The first step was to create a n-well 10K resistor layout to be used in the design. The height of the design was set to the minimum of 3.6 micro to match the height of a 1 column/row ntap connection. Because of the minimum interval of .15, the width could not be set to the exact dimenisions needed for 10K. However, the value obtained in the extracted view is close enough to 10K to not effect the results. The resistor has final dimensions of 3.6 micro by 44.1 micro, with a value of 10.03K. A picture of the extracted view with the resistor value can be seen below.

                                                          Resistor Extracted View


Using this 10K resistor, the DAC layout was created. Each resistor has the same X value and varying Y values to create a stacked view of the resistors. After wiring the resistors to match the 2R-R branch from the lab 2 DAC circuit design, each 2R-R branch was cascaded to create the full DAC. Pins were added for each bit, Vout, and ground to match the lab 2 DAC schematic. After completed, a DRC was run to check for errors. Since there were no errors, the layout was extracted and a LVS was executed between the extracted view and lab 2 schematic. Below are images of the LSB of the DAC layout, DRC and LVS results.

                                                                  Least Significant Bit DAC Layout
                                                  DRC Results
                                         LVS Results

You can download files for this lab here.


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