Lab 3 - ECE 421L


Authored by Raheel Sadiq,

September 21st, 2016















In this lab we began with copying our 10k n-well resistor we created in tutorial 1. The length and width for the resistor were calculated using a 12.5 lambda to dictate the ratio.



Figure 1



With the length and width determined above, we can build our resistor and resistor value needed for our N-well resistor is 10k and as it can be seen when the n-well is extracted the value of the resistor comes out to 10.21k ohms.



Figure 2



After our resistor has been build and confirmed for the value wanted, we can start building our DAC. Our DAC is build using our N-well resistors which will replicated the schematic below. The N-well resistors are laid out in series and parallel just like the schematic below.



Figure 3



Each resistor is laid out in parallel and series just like how our schematic we used for our tutorial 1. Each pin can also be seen being assigned the same exact way it was in our schematic going from b0 to b9.



Figure 4



Finally we had to put the DAC through simulations and confirm the design works. The first simulation is to DRC the design.



Figure 5



Next we extract our layout. Extracting it shows us how the values of each resistor come out.



Figure 6



Once the DRC shows no errors and we have extracted our layout, we can run an LVS to confirm our netlists match and as you can see they do match which means our design is good.



Figure 7



The netlists matched as shown in the image below



Figure 8





First simulation is from the ideal DAC with the ADC schematic. You can observe that both input and output are on top of each other.


Figure 9



Simulation below is from the DAC when all pins are set to ground except for pin 9. Also there is a 10pF load on the output.



Figure 10



Third simulation is for the DAC and ADC schematic with a 10k ohms load.



Figure 11



Fourth simulation is the same DAC and ADC schematic except the 10k ohms load is switched out for a 10pF load.



Figure 12



Last simulation is the same schematic with DAC and ADC except now the 10k ohms resistor and 10pF capacitor are set in parallel on the output.








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