Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Zach Nelson,




In Lab 1, we are tasked with running a simulation in Cadence as well as setting up a webpage through
After setting up my csimcluster account with Dr. Greg and running through the tutorial of setting up MobaXterm to remote into the server

I was able to run through the Cadence simulations shown in this Lab. I've designed a circuit that has two resistors in series, both of which

are 10K resistors, while powering the circuit with a 1 V DC source.

After creating the circuit I moved on to run simulations to test my design. I launched ADE L simulator and chose "spectre"

as my simulator. For this specific simulation I wanted to plot Vin and Vout after running a transient simulation for 1 second. 

Using this formula:

We are able to calculate that Vout should be 500 mV, or 0.5 V DC, which is mirrored in the simulation.



Now for how I am backing up all of these files I have two ways:

1) Backup via Local Storage (as shown below)



2) Backup via Virtual Storage (as shown below)



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