Lab 1 - EE 421L 

James Mellott,



In this lab I will be using MobaXterm to remotely login to a server and run simulations using Cadence


For the first part of this Lab I opened MobaXterm and uploaded, modified, and used basic functional operations to get familiar with some operations.  Ultimately Cadence was utilized via the Vituroso & command and a basic circuit was constructed as seen below in Figure 1.  This system is demonstrating the function of a voltage divider.  After simulating the circuit the input and output signals were displayed as seen in Figure 2.


Lab 1 schematic.JPG

                                                                             Figure 1


Lab 1 in and out.JPG

                                                                                                                             Figure 2


The correlating hand calculation is shown below in Figure 3

Lab 1 Hand Calc.JPG

                                                          Figure 3


 I will be saving my files on a Google Drive account as shown below in Figure 4.

Lab 1 google drive.JPG

                                         Figure 4


I will also be saving my files in MobaXterm as shown below in Figure 5.

Lab1 Cadence.JPG

                         Figure 5


I will also be saving my files on my local hard drive as shown below in Figure 6.

Lab1 Local Drive.JPG

                                                      Figure 6


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