Lab Project - ECE 421L
1. Schematic and symbol of the transmission gate:
simulation of the buffer:
3. AND gate symbol, schematic and simulation's waveform:
Note that the output of an AND gate is "1" if all
its inputs are "1" --- and the ouput is "0" if at least 1 input is "0"
4. Edge trigger/D-FlipFlop gate schematic, waveform simulation and symbol:
Note that Qnot is behaving funny, this happened because this flipflop is to be operated at a particular frequency which I have not have a chance to determine.
Using trial and error to set up the parameters of the voltage sources (clock and input ) would fix the problem, by varying the pulses, periods, and time delay of the voltage
sources. Nevertheless, there was no much time left to fix this problem. Hence, I will fix it before part 2.
5. Sequence Detector (Schematic, Symbol and simulation):
The squence is: 101011
Again, the same problem that I have with the FlipFlip occurs, I have not yet figured out how to set up the right frequency which depends on the parameters of the voltage sources. This will be fix when turn in "PART 2" of the project.
I did not have to wait for long to fix the frequency problem that was diccussed earlier. I got the help I needed 8hrs later when I went to class (Lab). Additionally, I had to switch two wires (clk and clk_not) because they were in the wrong place. These wires are located in the clsoest TransGate from the input signal in the EdgeTrig/D-FlipFlop module.
* New D-FlipFlop schematic:
* New waveform for the EdgeTrig/D-FlipFlop gate, with the right parameters for the voltage sources:
* New waveform for the Sequence Detector and the right parameters for the voltage sources:
Extracted View:
2. Buffer: (Layout & LVS check)
Extracted View:
3. AND gate (6-bit):
Layout & LVS check:
Extracted View:
4. EdgeTrigger (D-FlipFlop):
Layout & LVS check:
Extracted View: