Lab 1 - EE 421L 

Authored by Carlos Lemus,



Lab  1 follows tutorial 1 up to the 25th picture in the tutorial after the ADE L simulation has been runned.

1) The first part of this lab shows some of the images from tutorial 1 and a brief description of each image

Below is an image from the two 10k resistors created in series and a 1 DC voltage source. 

Resistor Series Circuit

After the circuit was created, the ADE L simulator was launched and simulated the circuit while ploting the in and out values of the resistor. The images below show the plot and the transient response log.

In-Out Response

Transient Log

The results show an output of .5V which can be proven correct by the voltage divider formula

Voltage Divider

2) For the second part of this lab, I discuss how I will back up my files

I have a google drive that where I have created a folder called EE 421 directory for EE 421 and subdirectory for EE 421 L. Each lab will have it's own folder such as Lab 1.

The description on the side shows then the file was created and modified. I have also zipped up the Tutorial_1 files from Cadence that include the library and cells.

Google Drive storage

A long with this, of course, I have a local directory with the same files

Local Storage

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