Project - ECE 421L 

Authored by Antanasia Jones




For the lab project I had to design a circuit that can detect the output 101011 when it appears in a series.


In the first part of the project I had to design a falling edge D-Flip Flop  (DFF) circuit. The DFF is used to inverter a signal based on the input signal clock. The DFF uses TGs to provide full logic level on the outputs. Below are images of the transmission gates (TG) circuits that were used in the DFF schematic. Below are images of the TGs, that are refered to as Clock1 and Clock2, and DFF circuits, symbols and layouts. Clock1 is the where the clock of the PMOS is clock and clock of the NMOS is clock inverse. Clock2 is where the clock on the PMOS clock inverse and the clock on the NMOs is clock.



Clock circuit 1 schematic



Clock 1 Symbol 



Clock 1 Layout



Clock 2 circuit schematic



Clock 2 symbol



Clock 2 layout 



D Flip Flop Circuit



D Flip Flop Symbol



D Flip Flop layout


The DFF operates by taking an input and generating two outputs, one that is the same as the input and one that is the inverse. The outputs, Q and Q', follow the falling edge of the clock, where the output can only chnage when the clock is falling. At other points in the simualtions the output should remain constant until the next falling edge. The simulation of the DFF should show that the Q output follows the D input on the falling edge of the clock and the Q' output is the inverse of the Q output. Below is an image of the simualtion of the DFF. 



DFF Simulation 

For the detector circuit, I inmplemented the detect operation using a NAND gate that would take the output Q from the DFFs and detect the desired sequence. Since the sequence has 6 bits I had to design a 6-bit NAND gate. Below are images of the 6-bit NAND gate schematic, symbol and layout. 



6-bit NAND Gate schematic



6-bit NAND gate symbol 



6-bit NAND gate layout

On the output of the detector I had to place a buffer that would amplify the output signal. I calculated the Buffer value to be 5 so each buffer has a multiplier of 5 from the previous. This value was selected so that there wouldn't be too much delay in the output of the detector circuit. Below are images of the buffer schematic, symbol, and layout.

Buffer schematic
Buffer symbol

Buffer layout
The detector circuit is made up of 6 DFF and the 6-bit NAND where the outputs of the DFF all go into th NAND gate. Below are images of the detector circuit, symbol, layout, DRC and LVS.
detector schematic
detector symbol
detector layout
detector DRC
detector LVS
The simulation of the detector circuit should output a 1 when the signal 101011 appears. If any other signal appears the output should be 0. Below are images of the simulation results of the detector.
detector simulation circuit
detector results for 101011
Zipfile for lab project placed here.

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