Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Antanasia Jones,



For this lab we went through the tuturial of how to set up and use Cadence. While following along with the tutorial we were to generate images to present our understanding of the content. 


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The first part of this lab involved setting up Cadence files using Xterm and verifying thst all the files were setting to have the appropriate functions available in Cadence. The image below shows the new DRC files being uploaded into the home directory, replacing the old ones.


Once all the files were set up, navigate to the CMOSedu directory in Xterm and use virtuoso & to open Cadence. After Cadence is opened, create a new library called Tutorial_1. The new library had to be attached to an existing tech library so to actually create a schematic. Once this library has been created it autmoatically shows up on the bottom of the cds.lib file.


From here, we go on to build a simple circuit. The Instance command under the Create tab (or key I), the resistors and voltage source can be gernerated by navigating through the Component Browser and setting the values wanted.



After the circuit is set up, check and save it, go to Launch -> ADE L then save and load the state in the ADE window. Then choose the desired plot points, in and out, on the circuit, set up a transient analysis and plot the simulation using the green bottom.




To backup my files I will be using two diferent methods, one for the short term and one for both short and long term. In the shoirt tern, which will just be while I'm in the process of an assigment I will be saving all used file to my User directory in the UNLV database since the majority of my assignments will be completed on campus. Those files will then be uploaded to my email and saved in a draft where they will stay until the end of the semester.

