Lab 3 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Tyler Huddleston,




This lab focuses on the layout for the 10-bit DAC I have designed in Lab 2.

Designing the 10K n-well resistor

By our design rules, lamda = 300nm.

The minimum n-well width = 12*lamda = 3.6um.

The sheet resistance of n-well = 800 ohms/square.


Choose width of 4.5um, thus

L = (R*W)/(Rsquare) = (10K*4.5um)/(800) = 56.1um,

which is rounded to the nearest 0.15um to algin with the grid and pass the DRC verification.

L=56.1um, W=4.5um

R = 10K confirmation from extracted view


The layout

- Each resistor is laid out in parallel in a stack

- The resistors are each a distance of 5.4um between one another

Close up of the layout pattern.  Notice the pins are on metal1.

DRC passed.

LVS passed.



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