Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by James Garner

05 September 2016


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Laboratory introduction, generating/posting html lab reports, installing and using Cadence


The purpose of Lab 1 was to familiarize students with editing webpages, working with cadence. My report consists of images and comments of my work while finishing Tutorial_1 on cadence. My report also shows how I am going to backup and document my work throughout the semester.


Cadence Tutorial 1


Instructions:      Complete Tutorial 1 up to the 25th image providing pictures and narrative of the tutorial as you complete it.


The beginning of the tutorial was already completed through working in lecture in Cadence and with the Prelab.


The first picture is replacing the old diva files in the NCSU_TechLib file.




The next picture is the opening of Cadence using the virtuoso & command, after using the cd CMOSedu or change directory command, and opening the library manger if the window does not pop up when opening cadence.




The next picture is the process of verifying the Tutorial_1 text in the cds.lib file in my    CMOSedu directory. This file was already changed from lecture or doing the prelab.




The process of changing the value of the resistor is pictured below. Here we used the instance hotkey (i) and the properties hotkey (q) to familiarize ourselves with hotkeys.   




The next step in the tutorial involved wiring the circuit after adding more instances. (Gnd/Vdc) We used the wire hotkey (w) to do     so. After this we used the label hotkey (l) to label the wires “in” and “out”.




The next process I did was to check and save. After the saving process I simulated my circuit. To do this I had to choose the type of analysis as transient with a 1 second stop time. Then I selected the two signals I wanted to plot which were “in” and “out”.




Hitting the green Netlist and run button I got my results from the simulation. Here I also changed my “in” signal color to green and my “out” signal color to red. The process following these steps was saving the state and loading the cell view for practice.




Backup Process


Instructions: Show the method in which you are going to back up your labs throughout the semester with comments and pictures.


Throughout the semester I am going to work on my labs without using the ftp method. I will work from the file directly and use Microsoft word as my text editor.




I will then back up my files by zipping those folders up and sending them in an email to myself with notes for each file. Pictured to the right shows my progress with each file, Tutorial_1 being complete and Lab1 file needing webpage editing still.






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