Lab 01 – EE 421L

Authored by Chandon Esplin,



Generating and Posting HTML Lab Reports / Installing and use of Cadence

The goals of lab 01 will provide the basics of both HTML editing and the Cadence software. The following report, through images and narrative, presents the process of completing the first tutorial on cadence, as well as the selected method of creating multiple Back-Up files.


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I.      Complete the 1st Cadence tutorial (up to the 25th image) providing snips and a simple narrative of the overall process

II.   Show and justify self-decided method of backing-up drafts/completed work



Techniques learned/used


[i] - instance - Component Menu

~Knowing the Library & Component Abbreviation saves time!!!

                        NCSU_Analog_Parts (Library)

                                    > res - Resistor

                                    > gnd - Ground

                                    > vdc - Direct Current Voltage Source        

[w] – Wire     [q] – Properties         [l] - Name Wire Segment           [f] - Zoom to Fit

{Check and Save}

~Checks current schematic for design rule violations

~Must be ran prior to simulation (else simulation fail)

[ALT]+ -  – Display drop drown menu of corresponding {menu}


                                    [ALT] + l - Display drop down of {Launch}

                                    [a] - shortcut to select & launch ADE-L *Analog Design Environment*


~Spectre - Cadence built-in SPICE simulator


                        -> Simulation/Directory/Hosts

                        ~ Modify type/parameters of simulation


                        -> To Be Plotted

                        --> Select On Schematic

                        ~ Choose signals from schematic to be plotted


                        -> Save State

                        ~ (Cellview) Saves selected parameters of simulation


                        -> Netlist and Run (Green Button)

                        ~ Runs simulation



-Cadence tutorial


Resistive Voltage Divider *Schematic designed for: ON’s C5 process and fabrication through MOSIS*


-Method of Back-up: Google Drive

Drive cloud storage chosen for automatic synching of locally stored Drive folder & ease of access to files when not on primary computer.



Experiment I)

Cadence Tutorial 1: Layout and Simulation of a Resistive Voltage Divider

Configuring Cadence

            Launching Cadence


Creating a New Library


Circuit Design

Component/instance selection and placement



Selecting Spectre (built-in SPICE simulator)


Signals to be plotted


Simulation Results


          Experiment II)

Method of Back-Up: Google Drive

File Back-Up

FTP connection


Zip, Date, & Upload