Lab 1 - EE 421L 

Authored by Ulises Diaz Jr.,



For this lab, I will go over a tutorial on how to use Cadence to simulate a simple voltage divider circuit via ADE L Spectre Transient Response simulation.


Part 1: Go through Tutorial 1 of using Cadence (Up to the first 25 images).


1.) Since I will be accessing Cadence from my home, I will use MobaXterm to ssh to the UNLV ECE Cadence server. The following command will allow me to 

access the server:  -Y -C -c blowfish



2.) Upon entering the previous command on the terminal and successfully logging in to the server, now I change my directory to CMOSedu using the following command: cd CMOSedu



Afterwards, I now entered the command virtuoso & to launch the Cadence Virtuoso software. I am now able to use Cadence from home as shown in the figure below.



3.) After starting the Cadence Virtuoso software, one can create a new library to organize all circuits and simulations. For this lab, I will create a new library called "Tutorial_1".



4.) Once I created the "Tutorial_1" Library, I now can design a simple voltage divider circuit to run a simulation. Once I clicked on the Tutorial_1 library, I can make a new circuit by selecting File >> New >> Cell View. Then I named my circuit file the same as in the tutorial, "R_div". 



5.) The following figure shows the voltage divider circuit that will be simulated: 



6.) As expected, the following figure shows the output of the voltage to be 0.5V with an input voltage of 1.0V. The simulation was a transient response of the voltage divider circuit.

This is now the end of the tutorial, now I will talk about how I will back up my lab files in Part 2 of this lab.


Part 2: Explain how lab files will be backed up. 


1,) I am more comfortable editing my lab in my desktop computer using a special folder called "EE 421 L". 



2.) Basically, I'm using the "Open" and "Save" process in KompoZer to write my lab reports, then I will publish them on CMOSedu once I'm finished writing them. 

Once I am completely finished in writing my lab report, I will zip up the corresponding lab foler to start the back up process. Since this is the first lab, I am going to zip the "lab 1" folder. 



3.) Once I zipped my lab report folder, I will now email the zipped folder to myself, then store the folder under a google drive folder called "EE 421L" for the backup. Here is the backed up lab report with all my .jpg image files in the folder in the google drive: 




This is the end of my lab report.




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