Lab 7 - EE 421L 

Kyle Deignan



Using buses and arrays in the design of word inverters, muxes, and high-speed adders


Pre-lab work:


Back-up all of your work from the lab and the course.


As shown below, I am using google drive to back up all my work from the lab:



Go through Tutorial 5:


Tutorial 5 explained how to create a schematic and layout of a 32 stage ring oscillator. It also went over simulations. Screenshots from the tutorial are shown below:







The first part of the lab consisted of creating a concise schematic for a 4-bit inverter. My symbol for the schematic and simulation schematic are shown below:



The simulation results from the above circuit are shown below:

These are the expected results from a 4-bit inverter. As shown above the value of the capacitor will affect the response time of the inverter. Out<3> was the fastest with the lowest delay, correlating to the lowest capacitance.


The lab then asked to create schematics and symbols for 8-bit NAND, NOR, AND, inverter, and OR gates.


















I included all of these gates into and simulation schematic and with every combination, shown as net1 and net2 in the waveforms. The outputs from the simulation matched what we would expect from each of the gates. The results and schematic are shown below:




The outputs are only high when both inputs are high.



The outputs are low at all combinations except when the inputs are 1 1.



The outputs are always high except for 0 0.


The outputs are always low except for 0 0.


The next part of the lab asked to simulate and understand the 2-to-1 DEMUX/MUX. The schematic and simulation are shown below:




The schematic outputs either A or B depending on what logic the selector bit is at. The results are consistent with this explanation. The first cycle shows an output of A (5v) and the second an output of B (0V).


The lab then asked to create an 8 bit wide 2-to-1 DEMUX/MUX. This was accomplished using the same method as tutorial 5, with buses. An inverter was included so only a selector bit is needed. Below is the schematic:


I then created a symbol for the schematic for simulations. Below is the symbol and simulation results, which are the results we would expect.



For the above simulation the same selector signal was used for all the bits. The simulation is what we would expect for a multiplexer.


The last part of the lab was to create a full-adder schematic, and extend it to an 8-bit wide full adder, similar to the components above.


Single bit full-adder schematic and symbol:



A layout of the single bit full adder is shown below which LVSed and DRCed.




As shown above the netlists matched.


I created a schematic from the above symbol for an 8-bit wide adder by changing the way it is instantiated and adding buses to the inputs and outputs. Pins Cn and cout will be the input and output of the cascaded full-adders as well as An<7:0>, Bn<7:0> and the sum outputs Sn<7:0>. The schematic, symbol, and simulation are all shown below:





The final layout passing DRC and LVS is shown below:





The netlists matched as shown above.


I used google drive to backup all my files:

Return to my labs.