Lab 1 - ECE 421L
In this lab exercise we will be following Tutorial 1.
The tutorial covers the configuration of MobaXterm including
setting up our login information.
After the initial steps, we will upload '
The photo of MobaXterm is as follows:
At this point, we add a '.' before cdsinit, simrc, and cdsenv:
From here, we go to the home directory and cd into
The directory is as follows:
By typing 'virtuoso &' from the home directory we get the following:
(NOTE: The warnings were cleared when the .bashrc was re-sourced)
The schematic for 1_21 was then loaded:
Finally, the transient response:
As I'm still learning how the ftp system works, I plan to complete each
web page locally, and then upload the results to
Otherwise, there exists the possibility of having errors including
establishing too many connections when publishing.
The folder structure will be similar in both the Dropbox folder and my home ftp site: