Lab 2 - EE 421L 

Authored by Brian Kieatiwong



This lab consists of the understanding and simulation of the ADC and DAC. It will also consist of designing a 10-bit DAC with different specifications. This lab will also show the backing up of all lab work.
The image above shows the schematic for an ideal ADC-DAC.
The image above shows the simulation results for the ideal ADC-DAC schematic of the input and output voltages.
The image above shows the schematic for the ideal ADC-DAC now with an input voltage of 8V rather and the previous 5V.
The image above shows the simulation results for the ideal ADC-DAC schematic of the input and output voltages. It can be seen that the output is clipped because it is limited by the VDD of 5V.
To determiune the last significant bit(LSB) for this particular scenario, the following criterias should be observed. Since it is a 10 bit ADC-DAC, the equationisas follows:
2^10 = 1024

LSB = VDD/2^N = 5/1024 = 4.9mV
The image above shows the DAC schematic with 10k resistors.
The image above shows the newly created DAC symbol.
The image above shows the schematic for a 10-bit DAC with the newly created DAC symbol.
The image above is the newly created 10-bit DAC symbol.
The image above shows the schematic for an ADC-DAC converter with the newly created 10-bit DAC symbol.
The image above shows the changed parameters for the this particular simulation.
The image above is the simulation results of the ADC-DAC converter schemtaic.

The images above show how Lab 2 work is to be zipped and emailed to myself for backup.

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