Lab 1   EE 421L

Taylor Rasmussen

The purpose of this lab is to set up remote access to the Cadence server and to get familiar with setting up a web page for publishing lab reports.
The first step is to download the NCSU CDK and extract it to my $HOME directory on the Cadence cluster. (/home/rasmus20/ncsu-cdk-1.6.0.beta/)
After setting up the libraries, making certain files hidden, and updating the diva files, I started up Virtuoso to begin building the 10k resistive divider.
Following the steps in the tutorial I eventually built a circuit that has a 1VDC power source in series with two 10k resistors with the output between the two resistors.
Next, it is time to start ADE to run the circuit simulation. Once it is open, I selected Analyses --> Choose and it brought me to this screen where I will select tran  with a stop time of 1 sec.
Once that is selected, I selected Outputs --> To Be Plotted --> Select on Schematic so that i can select the IN and OUT nodes of the resistive divider. Once they are selected, the ADE should look like this:
Because I already set the simulation to be Spectre in the .cdsinit file earlier we can just run the simulation by pressing the green arrow on the right side.
Once the simulation finishes, this is the plot that will appear. By inspection you can see that it is doing exactly what is expected and dividing the input voltage in half at the output. When 1VDC is put into the system, it outputs 0.5VDC.
This concludes the first half of the tutorial that covers Lab 1. All throughout the tutorial, I took snapshots of what was happening and stored them on my Google drive in a folder set up entirely for this class.
Then I used 7zip to create a zip file of the entire Web Backup folder and stored that on Google Drive as well so I can access it from anywhere I have internet access.
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