Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Cesar Macias

September 7, 2012

In this lab we used the first part of Tutorial 1 and created 2-1 divider with Cadence. We first created the schematic, the a symbol and proceded to test it.

Please note that the same assignment was due in class for HW #2, therefore the setup of Cadence was already done and was not documented for this part of the lab.

This is the schematic of the divider we're going to create. It will simpy have two pins, IN where the power will be connected, and OUT between both of the resitors. this will lower the votage by 1/2.


This is what Cadence creates as a symbol which we will edit.


After editing we have created a symbol similar to the layout. I want to point out that the values of the resisitors are not necessary since they become irrelevant. No matter what the value of the resistors, the input will halways be twice the output. The only thing that will change is the power dissipation.


We will not test the divider that we created.


As expected, the output is half the input.
Input = 1 V
Output  = .5 V



For lab backups this page we will use drop box as a back up tool. In case something happens and the page needs to be recovered, the back up for this page will be in my (Cesar Macias) dropbox. This assures that in case anything happens, the reports could be brought back.

A folder was crated for in dropbox for this class and one will be created for each lab.


Here are the files for this lab.

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