Project - ECE 421L 

Authored by Hongzhong Li,


Today's date:11/10/2014


Lab description

For the final project for this lab I will be laying out a simple arithmetic logic unit (ALU). The ALU will have 4 operations and 2 8-bit operands. I have selected the following control signals for my ALU.



Most of the components of the ALU have been created in the previous labs, so now it will be a task of assembling the ALU. 2 8-bit 2 to 1 MUXs will be used to select either the output from A or B, A and B, or the output from the 8 bit full adder. The 8-bit full adder performs either addition by inputting A, B, and Cin=0, or subtraction by inputting A, B', and Cin=1. This setup is accomplished by inputting the F1 control signal into both the Cin for the full adder as well as using it for a control signal for the 8-bit MUXs (thus selecting B' for each input into the full adder). It is observed that this setup essentially takes the 2's complement of B (B is inverted and Cin=1 essentially adds 1). The schematic is constructed as shown below.

ALU Schematic


8- bit ALU Symbol

Simulation Schematic



Theoretical Result:
00A + B10100101
01A - B00110011
10A AND B00101000
11A OR B01111101
Simulation Result


Part 2 - Layout of the ALU


To reduce the complication of the 8 bit ALU layout, we first create a 1-Bit ALU schematic and make a layout of the 1-Bit to verify that it LVS.

1 Bit ALU Schematic




1 Bit ALU Layout and LVS Result



Now that we verified the 1-Bit ALU works we can proceed to create the 8-Bit ALU by cascading 8 of the 1-Bit ALU we just made. Note, since the selector pin "F1" only connects to the "Cin" pin of the 8-Bit ALU once , we need to change our 1-Bit Layout accordingly so that the first 1 Bit ALU has F1 connected to Cin and the rest of the 1 Bit ALU doesnt. Then connect  Cout<7> into Cout<6>, so on and so forth . We will create a bus, connecting all the F1's together. We do the same for F2. We will use Cout<0> as out final Cout output. The A and B inputs will be 8 bit inputs and the Z output will be have 8 bits. Finally, vdd! and gnd! are connected on the side using metal 1.

8 Bit ALU Layout



8 Bit ALU LVS Result


The complete project file can be downloaded from here  


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