Lab 3 - EE 421L 

Authored by Brian Kieatiwong


From the schematic of the resisitor divider created in Lab 1, we modify it for this lab.

After creating the schematic, we create the symbol for it.

From this symbol, we delete all the lines from the symbol except the the IN and OUT pins. We then draw lines to create the symbol as seen below.

We then insert the newly created symbol into the schematic shown below.

Here, we will create the layout for the resistor. Shown below is the layout of the n-well layer. The dimensions of this layer are 56 um by 4.5 um.

After running a DRC, 4 errors are found. This error is due to the fact that the layout edges do not touch the grids because the dimensions of this layout must be in increments of 0.15 um. To fix this problem, the length of the layout was increased to 56.1 um.

Be sure to copy all associated Lab 3 files into a backup folder of an external hard drive.

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