Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Michael Kajkowski,



For this lab we will be learning how to create lab reports, installing/setting up Cadence, and learning some basic tools in Cadence.


First we need to download the CDK (Cadence Design Kit) and save it onto our desktop.



Next, we need to login into the csimcluster server using MobaXterm. Once we have logged in, we need to upload the CDK into our personal home folder. Notice the red circles below and the folder directory, indicating where to upload and what the uploaded file should look like.




Once in your home directory open the .bashrc file.  Right click the file and open using text editor. Add the following four lines.


export CDS_Netlisting_Mode=Analog

export CDS_LOAD_ENV=CWDElseHome

export CDK_DIR=$HOME/ncsu-cdk-1.6.0.beta

The text file with the added lines should look like this:

Once you have done this, type ". .bashrc". This will re source this file. Then, make a new directory called CMOSedu and copy the contents of
$HOME/ncsu-cdk-1.6.0.beta/cdssetup into $HOME/CMOSedu. Be sure to add a period in front of the following files: cdsinit, simrc, and cdsenv.
Within the new CMOSedu directory, open
cds.lib using text editor and add the following lines:

DEFINE analogLib /usr/cadence/IC615/tools.lnx86/dfII/etc/cdslib/artist/analogLib
 DEFINE functional /usr/cadence/IC615/tools.lnx86/dfII/etc/cdslib/artist/functional
      DEFINE sbaLib /usr/cadence/IC615/tools.lnx86/dfII/etc/cdslib/artist/sbaLibTo ensure SPECTRE is the default simulator in Cadence, add envSetVal("asimenv.startup" "simulator" 'string "spectre")
to .cdsinit file.
Next, look for the directory $HOME/ncsu-cdk-1.6.0.beta/lib/NCSU_TechLib_ami06. You will find the files named divaDRC.rul, divaEXT.rul, and divaLVS.rul. You need to delete these files and upload updated versions (updated versions will have the same name). The updated version can be found here diva rules
Goto you terminal window and type in cd CMOSedu. This will place you into the CMOSedu directory, where cadence is stored.
 Next, type in
virtuoso & in the terminal window. This will start Cadence.
The library manager window will pop up. You will then click File->New->Library.
Name the new library "Tutorial_1" and make sure the correct items are selected as seem below. We will be using AMI .60u C5N (3M, 2P, high-res) process.
 For future reference, if you wanted to use book example in Cadence you will need to unzip
 For example, you can add "Define Ch1_IC61......." to your cds.lib file, found in CMOSedu directory.
 Notice all the example from various chapters that were added. Also note that the new tutorial_1 was add when we created the new library.
Bring up the Library Manager window and click File->New->Cell. This will open a window, type in the information as seen below:
 Once we have created a new cell. We can now add a component to the newly created schematic. Click Create->Instance  or hit "i" on the keyboard.
 Two windows will appear and type in the information as seen below:
 Hit "hide" and place two 10K resistors onto the schematic. You can right click to rotate the component. Go back to add instance and now add a ground (which is found under supply nets in component browser) and a DC voltage source (found under Voltage_Sources), be sure the DC voltage is 1 volt in the add instance window. Place these parts onto the schematic. Finally, hitting "w" on you keyboard will activate the wire command, allowing you to connect your components. You can also hit "l", this activates the label command, allowing you to label your wires.  You can then hit "f" on the keyboard to do a fit to zoom command. Here is what you should have so far:
 Once you have done this hit click and save, as indicated above. Notice the highlight message as seen above. This indicates that the schematic check was completed with no errors. We can now proceed with a simulation.
 To simulate we need to first click Launch->ADE L. A new window will appear and we can start by setting up our simulation.
 Let's verify that SPECTRE is our default simulator. Click  Setup->Simulator/Directory/Host.
 You should see this:
Notice that SPECTRE is our default simulator!
 Now we need to identify what type of analysis we want to run and which outputs we want displayed on the sim.
 Click Analysis->Choose. Check the following items as seen below:
For this sim we will perform a transient simulation.
Click Outputs->To Be Plotted->Select On Schematic. Next, click the two wires labeled as In and Out. Doing this will add these two signals to your sim output list. Be sure that these traces are checked. Click Sessions->Save State, select cell view and hit OK.
 Finally, Hit the green play button in the ADE window and watch the simulation window pop up.
 The sim should look like this:
This concludes this lab, after completing this lab we should have gained the basic Cadence tools to create new schematic cells, design new schematics, and simulate our designed circuits.
Last but not least, be sure to back up all of you lab contents. Place into zip folder and email to yourself.
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