Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Eduardo Hoyuela-Alcaraz,

September 8, 2014 



Lab 1 consisted on following tutorial 1 to create a general use schematic of voltage divider and to discuss methods of backing up our work.

1) Tutorial 1 discussion

 In order to start working on Cadence we need to set up some parameters for the program to run. 
The most important step is adding the libraries to the cds.lib file. If we do not do this we will not have access to some libraries we have downloaded. In order to add the libraries, we need to define the name and location in the cds.lib file. This process has to be repeated every time we want to upload and add a new library in Cadence.


After staring Cadence, we can define a new library if we want to work with different design processes. Here, we created the C5 library, which will use the C5N process. Here, the cds.lib file is automatically updated.


Then, we proceed to create the schematic for the voltage divider. By pressing “i”, we insert an instance. by pressing “w” we can create a wire to connect components, and by pressing “l” we can label our wires.


We check and save the schematic before opening ADE L to run a simulation profile in spectre mode. We create a transient analysis that will check the input vs output for 1 second. We select the outputs from the schematic view.


Then the state is saved and we run the simulation.


2) Discussion of regular backup

The backups will be done weekly by downloading the folder with all archives from the server to my computer desktop. As an additional backup, this folder will be uploaded to google drive.




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