Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Koby Sugihara,

Today's date: 8/31/14


Lab 1- This lab asked us to get familiar with cadence and had us follow the first tutorial up to the 25th figure picture.

First we had to create a new library called tutorial 1 to do the schematic.

 Also we had to create a new cell called "R_div".

After creating the library and cell, a fresh schematic will come up and we were told to draw this schematic using instances (i). and changing the values of the resistors. Also using the command (lower case L) we could name the wires.

Now it is time to simulate the schematic. Be sure to press check and save to make sure the schematic has no errors and is runnable. Next go to launch, ADE X and then make sure you are running in spectre mode. After you make sure you are in spectre mode go to analysis and choose tran. Then set the stop time to 1 sec.

Next go to outputs and "to be plotted" then click the input and output wire . it should look like this after you select the wires.


 Lastly, you can press the green button to get your simulation running and you should get these results. (net 1is the input) (net 3 is the output).

Lastly I zipped up the files and sent it to me in my email and saved it on my desktop.

Then i sed it to myself in an email just incase something would happen to my desktop.

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