Lab 01 - ECE 421L 

Authored by: Stephen Berta - 2000138373




Lab 1: In this lab we will be going through part of Tutorial 1 for using cadence and providing snips along with descriptions of our actions to show we understand how to use Cadence. We will also be displaying how we are backing up our data to ensure that we do not lose information should anything happen to our directories on CMOSedu.

First, I opened Cadence in a Virtuoso window and created a new library entitled "Tutorial_1" and then created a cell view file to put a voltage divider schematic in.



Next I began placing the components from the NCSU_Analog_Parts library and then began drawing the wires connection the elements.

Figure 2

After placing all the components I hit the "Check and Save" button to save my work and verify that there was no errors in the schematic.

Figure 3

Next it was neccessary to set up the simulation. In our case we were running a 1 second Transient simulation (under the spectre state). After this we would then select our outputs and click the green button to generate the netlist and run the chosen simulation.

Figure 4

Here I ran the schematic and plotted the results. I went back to edit the width of the lines to be "Medium" and I have set my simulation background to be white so that it is easier to print.

figure 5

Lastly, after completing the lab I copied the contents from the ftp down to my dropbox folder to back up my work and also make it available no matter what machine I happen to be using to do my schoolwork.

figure 6

Return to Bertas lab folder