Lab 2 - EE 421L
by Chad Johnson,
9 6 13
this lab we will design a 10-bit DAC using an n-well resistance of 10k
and compare its functionality to an ideal DAC. Further, we will
attempt to predict the delay the DAC has driving a 10pF load. Lastly,
we will try to compare the functionality of our DAC driving a 10k load
to one driving to the ideal DAC.
Prelab Work:
First, download lab2.jelib
which contains an ideal 10-bit ADC as well as an ideal 10-bit DAC. Open
this file with electric and perform a Cross-Library Copy to place these
models and their simulations into the working directory for the lab.

our working library contains the ADC and DAC along with their
simulations. To demonstrate their functionality, select the sim_ADC_DAC
cell and simulate. You should see the following.

see that the output has lost precision from input. This occurs because
when the signal is converted to a digital signal, it is only able to
store with precision equal to the voltage range of its least
significant bit. To determine this voltage across the least significant
bit, we zoom in on the simulation and determine that 1 LSB represents.
Note that when we design the DAC for the lab we will determine the
voltage with VDD/2^n, where n is the number of bits.

Lab 2 - Design and Simulation of DAC:
Next the non-ideal Digital to Analog converter is drawn up in Electric. The design is shown below.

device is added to a duplicate cell of the simulation performed on the
ideal DAC. Note that it was necessary to reroute the pins B9:B0 since
the routing was not automatic. We note that this design passed the
design rule check.
We note that the output
resistance of the DAC is R. Logically, as we step up the DAC from the
least significant bit, we note that we seem to, in each increment,
return to the calculation of 2R || 2R = 1R. Thus, it is clear that the
output resistance, if you keep creating parallel combinations of
resistors, will be equal to R (10k in this particular design).
was observed that the non-ideal DAC matched up very well with the ideal
DAC when not driving a load. However, the finite output resistance
makes the non-ideal DAC's output vary with a load impedance.
10pf capacitor is attached to the output of the non-ideal DAC in the
schematic seen below. Hand calculations put the delay time for charging
the capacitive load at .7 * R * C = .7 * 10 * 10^3 * 10 * 10^(-12) = 70
In the simulation of this schematic, it is shown that the estimated delay time of 70ns is reasonable.
we will look at how the DAC reacts with no load, a capacitive load, a
resistive load, and a resistive and capacitive load. First lets have a
look at vout when it is unloaded.
observe that it acts very much like the ideal DAC when it is not
driving a load. Next we observe the effects of a purely capacitive load.
note that the capacitance causes the output to lag the input (RC time
constant was computed above). Next lets observe the non ideal DAC
driving a purely resistive load.
observe that the finite output resist created a voltage divider with
the 10k resistive load and reduced the output voltage by a factor of a
half. Lastly, we look at the effects of the non ideal DAC driving a
resistive and capacitive load.
We observe the voltage reducing effects of the resistive load as well as the time delay effects of the capacitive load.
the switches of the DAC are implemented with MOSFETS, it is necessary
that the resistance of the MOSFETS be small compared to the values of
the resistor, else the accuracy of the DAC will be compromised by the
resistance of the MOSFETS causing unintended voltage drops.
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