Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Ken Adams,

30 August 2013


Lab description

This lab goes over Tutorial 1 up to image 10. Launching Electric VLSI we get:





 We can change some display settings by Window -> Color Schemes -> White Background Colors, and arange the windows properly to make printing easier.




Next, we must make sure that the Technology settings are correct:

File -> Preferences -> Technology -> Technology. Use displayed settings.




We will use the mocmos 300nm Scalable CMOS submicron design rules.

File -> Preferences -> Technology -> Scale
Make sure to "Mark All Libraries" after clicking OK


Lets creat a schematic for our tutorial project. Cell-> New Cell



Swich tabs to our Componets view:


Next we want to place a resistor. Select "Normal" Resistor and place it in the layout section.



We will set the properties for the resistor. Select the resistor and Edit -> Properties -> Object Properties or CTRL-I

Use the following settings:



Our workstation should look like this with the correct settings:




We will make a layout for this project.

Cell -> New Cell



Backing up designs:


I use .git version control ( for backing up projects/files. Furthermore, git is hosted on my dropbox for additional backup as well as remote access.

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