EE 420L – Engineering Electronics II Lab – Lab 7 

Authored by James Skelly


Due: April 3, 2019



Lab Description

·        Design and simulation of an audio amplifier using MOSFETs.





·        Review lab 6.




Lab Tasks


Design an audio amplifier (frequency range from roughly 100 Hz to 20 kHz) assuming that you can use as many resistors, ZVN3306A transistors, and ZVP3306A transistors as you need along with only one 10 uF capacitor and one 100 uF capacitor. Assume that the supply voltage is 10 V, the input is an audio signal from an MP3 player (and so your amplifier should have at least a few kiloohms input resistance), and the output of your design is connected to an 8-ohm speaker (so, ideally, the output resistance of your amplifier is less than 1 ohm).



Starting Point (Given Push-Pull Amplifier)


·         To begin, we analyze the following push-pull amplifier to see where modifications should be made

and tradeoffs can be selected.

·         Note that students were given a 22 Ohm speaker for this lab. The 22 Ohm speaker sounds much better

than the 8 Ohm speaker does anyway, so this is the speaker that was used in the final design.




Simulation Results


Voltage Gain


The voltage gain of the amplifier is less than 1. A small output voltage is ideal for low power dissipation,

as power dissipated by a resistor (the speaker) is directly proportional to the voltage dropped across the

resistor squared. However, higher voltage across the speaker will allow the speaker to output a louder volume.


Current Gain


The current gain of the amplifier is 333 (or 20mA / 60uA). This current gain is seemingly large. However,

increasing the size of R1 will increase the current gain of the circuit. More current through the speaker will

lead to more power dissipation, as power dissipated by a resistor (the speaker) is directly proportional to the

current through the resistor squared.


Power Dissipation


Power Dissipated by Speaker


Power Dissipated by MOSFETs


Power dissipation is plotted above. The power dissipation of this amplifier is higher than the

maximum power dissipation characterizing the MOSFETs in the datasheet, seen below.

The average power dissipation of the PMOS is around 1.3 Watts, while the absolute maximum

rating from the datasheet is 625 mW. The average power dissipation of the NMOS is around

0.92 Watts, while the absolute maximum rating from the datasheet is 625 mW.  







Ideally, we would want to minimize power dissipation while maximizing volume and clarity to

the best of our ability.



Breadboard Implementation & Experimentation





Operation at Frequency Limits Using Function Generator


100 Hz, Gain of 0.14


20 kHz, Gain of 0.17



Probing Different Points for Analysis




The starting point results did not satisfy my partner and I. The voltage gain was very low, and the volume

coming out of the speaker was not very loud as a result. We could hardly hear the high-pitched buzzing of the

function generator, and certainly could not hear music when we connected it.


In Lab 6, we derived the gain of the push-pull amplifier by hand, realizing that when R1 is large, it can be

estimated to be directly proportional to the voltage gain of the amplifier. See hand calculations below. 




In order to increase the voltage gain of our amplifier, thereby increasing the volume out of our speaker,

we knew that we would need to decrease our input resistance, and increase R1. The input resistance and the

speaker act like a voltage divider if there is no amplifier present. The input resistor is in place for two reasons.

1.  It is used to limit the amount of current flowing into the amplifier.

2.  It is used to drop the majority of the input voltage since the gain of the push-pull amp is so large.

Therefore, decreasing the size of the input resistor will increase the size of our output signal because less voltage

will be dropped across R1 and more will be dropped across the speaker. Also, increasing the size of R1 will increase

our voltage gain. This was our plan moving into the final design implementation.





Final Design


·         In designing the amplifier, my partner and I looked into the tradeoffs associated with varying the input resistor

RS and the internal amplifier resistor R1 for the majority of our considerations.



o    Increasing R1 increases voltage gain, thereby increasing volume out of speaker.

o    Increasing RS decreases current in, decreases output voltage, decreasing volume and power consumption.

o    Decreasing R1 decreases voltage gain, decreases volume, but also decreases power consumption.

o    Decreasing RS increases current in, increases output voltage, increases volume and power consumption.


·         For optimal volume out, my partner and I decided to both decrease RS and increase R1, thereby increasing the

power consumption greatly, but also increasing the volume and the output signal greatly. The final schematic is below.





Associated Calculations/Characteristics of Amplifier


Theoretical Input Resistance




Theoretical Output Resistance


     (from spice)

      (from spice)






Theoretical Power Dissipation of Speaker







Simulation Results



Voltage Gain


The plot above shows that the theoretical gain of our newly designed amplifier is roughly 2.5. This

voltage gain is exactly what we were looking for to crank up the volume of the output audio signal.


Current Gain


The current gain above is much greater than the current gain of the original amplifier we started with

thanks to the modifications made. Increasing the input current by just 10uA, the output current (in comparison

with the starting amplifier) is increasing by a factor of 6! The current gain of the amplifier is now huge (over 1.7k).


Power Dissipation


Power Dissipated by Speaker


Power Dissipated by MOSFETs


The power dissipated by our speaker is nearly 150 times greater than the power dissipated by the speaker

in the starting circuit. Power dissipation is the largest characteristic we had to sacrifice for higher volume.

Our speaker is dissipating even more power than it was in the starting circuit, and our MOSFETs are

also dissipating slightly more power on average than they were in the starting circuit. However, the volume is much

louder because the gain is much higher.


In the future, to improve our design, we would like to optimize gain while also minimizing power dissipation.




Breadboard Implementation & Experimentation



Click the image above for a video of the amplifier operating.


iPhone Audio Jack (Music) Used as Input





Operation at Frequency Limits Using Function Generator


100 Hz, Gain of 0.8


20 kHz, Gain of 1.15


Our theoretical gain is more than double our experimental gain (likely due to imperfections in the

transistors and power supply at high voltages), but the amplifier works great overthe frequency range

100 Hz – 20 kHz. However, we see some odd thickness in the oscilloscope signals.

This oddity is detailed below.




Noise From Power Supply


2Vpp, 1 kHz Input Signal, 5V Power Supply Voltage



2Vpp, 1 kHz Input Signal, 10V Power Supply Voltage



At higher power supply voltages, there is a large amount of noise on both the input signal and the

output signal. Perhaps the wires used in the design on the breadboard become better antennae when

the power supply voltage is larger. Changing the scale on the oscilloscope, we can see that the signals

in the photo above (where power supply voltage is 10V) are oscillating within the larger oscillation of the

desired signal. This is the cause of the thickness in our waveforms at power supply voltage of 10.







Our final design gave us the voltage gain that we desired, and our output audio signal was loud and clear.

However, our transistors were running very hot. We did not realize this until later on, and we did not have

time to go back and make the necessary modifications. Our goal was to minimize power while maximizing voltage

gain, but we were only able to meet our voltage gain goal. In the future, we would improve the design by adding

transistors in series to reduce the amount of current flow through the devices, thereby lowering the overall power

dissipation of the devices. This would also decrease our gain, and we would need to make design decisions to potentially

sacrifice some volume for lower power consumption by the amplifier to ensure that our transistors can run for long

periods of time without heating up substantially.




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