EE 420L – Engineering Electronics II Lab – Lab 2

Authored by James Skelly


Due: February 6, 2019


Lab Description

·        Simulation and experimentation to test the operation of a compensated scope probe.




·        Watch the scope probe discussion video.

·        Vary the parameters in the simulations in the scope probe zip file.

·        From lab 1, ensure that you understand the operation and analysis of simple RC circuits.

·        Ensure that you can read and create bode plots and their corresponding signals in the time domain.

·        Read the lab write-up prior to coming to lab.



Lab Tasks

·        Show scope waveforms of a 10:1 probe undercompensated, overcompensated, and compensated correctly.

·        Comment on where the type of scope probe (i.e., 1:1, 10:1, 100:1, etc.) is set on your scope (some scopes detect the type of probe used automatically).

·        Draft the schematic of a 10:1 scope probe showing: the 9 MEG resistor, 1 MEG scope input resistance, capacitance of the cable, scope input capacitance, and capacitance in the probe tip.

·        Using circuit analysis, and reasonable/correct values for the capacitances, show using circuit analysis and algebra (no approximations), that the voltage on the input of the scope is 0.1 the voltage on the probe tip.

·        Devise an experiment, using a scope, pulse generator, and a resistor, to measure the capacitance of a length of cable. Compare your measurement results to the value you obtain with a capacitance meter. Make sure you show your hand calculations.

·        Build a voltage divider using two 100k resistors. Apply a 0 to 1 V pulse at 1 MHz to the divider's input. Measure, and show in your report, the output of the divider when probing with a cable (having a length greater than or equal to 3 ft) and then a compensated scope probe. Discuss and explain the differences.

·        Finally, briefly discuss how you would implement a test point on a printed circuit board so that a known length of cable could be connected directly to the board and not load the circuitry on the board.



Part 1: Compensated Scope Probe Waveforms


The 10:1 compensated scope probe used to probe in this lab is shown below.


The scope probe used for this lab has a small screw on the BNC connector that can

be adjusted to change the shunt capacitance of the probe.



The waveforms below show undercompensated, overcompensated, and correctly

compensated scope probe examples. Further explanation and LTspice simulations

of these waveforms follow.


Undercompensated Scope Probe




Overcompensated Scope Probe




Correctly Compensated Scope Probe





Part 2: Drafting 10:1 Scope Probe Schematics


For the following schematics and simulations, 20pF was used for the oscilloscope’s internal capacitance.

This value is given in the TDS2000C Series Digital Storage Oscilloscopes data sheet.



The capacitance of the cable we used was measured using the capacitance measuring system in the Keithley

2110 Multimeter, shown below. We see from the picture below that Ccable was measured to be 0.0639nF

or roughly 64pF.




In order to adjust the probe compensation on the oscilloscope, the user must:

1.)     Press the channel menu button for the channel they have their scope probe connected to.

2.)     Click the second button from the bottom (in correspondence with the on-screen menu).

3.)     Adjust the probe compensation. Potential compensation values are 1X, 10X, 100X, and 1000X.




Undercompensated LTspice Schematic and Waveform

·        Note that for the undercompensated case, the shunt capacitor C1 is too small.





Correctly Compensated LTspice Schematic and Waveform

·        The 9.33 pF was calculated using circuit analysis and algebra (see hand calcs below).




Using the previously calculated C1 = 9.33pF, the below results were obtained.





Overcompensated LTspice Schematic and Waveform

·        Note that for the overcompensated case, the shunt capacitor C1 is too big.







Part 3: Devising an Experiment to Measure Cable Capacitance


·       The idea for our experiment is quite simple, and can be entirely explained by the list that follows.

1.)         Using a length of cable as a parallel plate capacitor, and a 100k resistor, implement a simple RC circuit.

2.)        Using the pulse generator, input a pulse to our RC circuit.

3.)        Observe the output waveform of the RC circuit, and measure 5*Τ (T=RC) experimentally.

4.)        Using the experimental value of 5*R*C, solve for C.

5.)        Use the multimeter to measure the actual cable capacitance for comparison to hand calculations.


Shown below is our breadboard implementation of the RC circuit using a roughly 2 foot cable for a capacitor.  





Here, we see our pulse input in blue, and our RC circuit output in yellow. At 5.00 us per division, we

chose our experimental 5*T value to be roughly 34 us, based on the plot.




Below are the hand calculations for the experimental cable capacitance.




Finally, we tested our cable capacitance using the multimeter. Our result was nearly spot on.




The measured capacitance of the cable was 63.9 pF, while the calculated value of the cable capacitance

was 68 pF. This experiment was successful in estimating the cable capacitance.




Part 4: 10:1 and 1:1 Probing of a 1 MHz Voltage Divider


Below is the test setup for the 100k in series with 100k voltage divider.



The waveforms below show the input (blue) and the output (yellow) of the voltage divider pictured above.



Probed with a 10:1 compensated scope probe.



Probed with a 4-foot long coaxial cable.




In order to understand what is going on in the above oscilloscope waveforms, we will look at the spice results below.


10:1 Compensated Scope Probe



This schematic shows the voltage divider set up with a 1 MHz frequency square wave with VL = -1V and VH = 1V.

The voltage source models our function generator input signal. For analysis, we can look at the equation for the

current through a capacitor.






In the circuit above with the voltage divider and the compensated scope probe circuitry, the input voltage is first

cut in half by the resistive voltage divider, and is then divided by ten by the second voltage divider within the

scope probe circuitry. This means the voltage in the oscilloscope after the divisions is only 50mV. The output

capacitance, in this case, only has to charge to 50mV (dV in the circuit with the scope probe is 10 times smaller than

dV in the circuit with the cable). So, regardless of the large RC time constant of the attached circuitry, we can see

the output of the divider beginning to charge and discharge the output capacitance, but never fully charging or discharging.




1:1 Coaxial Cable



This schematic (above) shows the same voltage divider circuit with the same 1 MHz input signal, put instead of

probing with a 10:1 probe, we simulate probing using a 4-foot long coaxial cable, loaded with roughly 30fF of

capacitance per foot of cable.



The actual capacitance of our cable was measured by the multimeter to be 111.3pF, as is shown above.

In this circuit, following our previous explanation of what is going on with the scope probe circuit, dV is much

larger. In the previous case, the voltage required to charge the output capacitance was only 50mV thanks to

the 9 MEG internal resistance of the probe. For the circuit probed with cable, the output capacitance needs

500mV to fully charge. This takes a much longer time, and thus, the waveform below is showing the capacitance

very slowly charging and very slowly discharging.







Part 5: PCB Test Point for 10:1 Compensated Probing


The diagram I created below shows how a PCB test point could be implemented so that a known length of cable

could be connected directly to the board and not load the capacitance and internal scope RC on the board.

Essentially, we create an on-board scope probe from a parallel resistor and variable capacitor. The oscilloscope

used for this lab has an internal 1MEG resistor and 20pF capacitor. In order to create a compensated scope probe

on the board, we simply need to connect a 9MEG resistor in parallel with a variable capacitor that can range between

around 5.55pF (for one foot of cable) to around 19pF (for five feet of cable). These values for the variable capacitor

assume that coaxial cable is loaded with roughly 30pF/foot. We then route the signal through a header into the

oscilloscope, and the overall Vout/Vin for the system will be 1/10.







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