Design of a CMOS Voltage Amplifier

Authored by James Skelly


Due: May 8, 2019



Project Specifications:


·        Amplifier must have a gain of 10.

·         ZVN3306A NMOS and ZVP3306A PMOS devices are to be used in the design.

·        Design should be as fast as possible driving a 1k resistive load.

·        Input resistance of amplifier must be no less than 50k.

·        Amplifier should be designed with as large of an output swing as possible.

·        Design must be capable of passing a 100 Hz input signal. 

·        Design can draw no more, under quiescent conditions, than 1mA from a +9V power supply.





To briefly summarize, the objective of this project is to design, build, and test a voltage amplifier

with a gain of 10 that draws minimal current from the power supply with no input signal, and is

capable of driving a 1k resistive load. The most efficient amplifier topology to achieve this goal is the

push-pull amplifier, which is capable of sourcing and sinking the necessary current to drive the load,

capable of achieving high gain, all while drawing a small amount of current from the power supply.

Below is a table summarizing each stage of the amplifier, and the cascaded final amplifier.



Amplifier Stage Characteristics





Input Resistance


Output Resistance



    Calculated          Simulated        Experimental   













Total (1 & 2)








Comparison of Experimental to Simulation Results







Current Drawn


High 3dB Freq.


Low 3dB Freq.


Output Swing




3.8 MHz

6 dB

4.3 V


   -10 **


350 kHz

3 dB

5.2 V


** indicates that the resistor values were modified to achieve a gain of 10, further discussed below.


Note that the experimental gain is much lower than the simulated gain and the hand-calculated gain.

This is likely due to poor modeling of the 3306 MOSFETs in LTspice. After changing the values of R3

and R2 in the schematic seen below from 5k to 1k, the experimental gain became 10. From the hand

calculations in this report, we see that the gain of the push-pull stage increases when the values of R2

and R3 decrease. By decreasing the value experimentally by a factor of 5, the gain went up by a factor

of roughly 3. The schematic of the final amplifier design is seen below.



Final Schematic:



The final design consists of a PMOS Source Follower (input voltage buffer and current

amplifier) cascaded with a push-pull amplifier. The push-pull stage ideally has a gain of -10,

while the input stage ideally has a gain of 1, resulting in a total gain of -10. Below is a table

containing the spice error log for a DC operating point simulation in LTspice of the final schematic.

The transconductance values (gmn and gmp) found in the table will be used in the hand calculations

that follow. 


Experimental Transistor Characteristics




Breadboard Implementation



The two resistors off to the side on the bottom right are the 5k resistors that were replaced

by 1k resistors to enhance the gain. All other values (capacitors and resistors) are true to their

values in the schematic.






Stage One: PMOS Source Follower



Frequency Response:



As was recorded in the summary table, the simulated gain of the first stage

is roughly 0.98 V/V.



Input Resistance:


Looking into the input of the amplifier,




Since this is the first stage of the two-stage amplifier,

Rin = 50k is the input resistance for the first stage, as well

as for the entire cascaded amplifier.



Output Resistance:



Looking into the source of the PMOS device,








Substituting for id yields:



Substituting for vsg yields:





From spice error log,




Therefore, theoretical gain of Stage One is given by:







Stage Two: Push-Pull Output Stage



Frequency Response:



In spice, the gain of the second stage needed to be designed to be higher than

10 so that when the two stages are cascaded, their gain product is equal to ten.



Input Resistance:



Assuming the push-pull stage has gain A:



By Ohm’s Law, the current through Rbig is:



Input resistance of the push-pull is then given by:




Output Resistance:








By Kirchoff’s Current Law (KCL):



Treating capacitors as AC shorts,







By symmetry, the equation for id2 can be found:




Since we know that:




We can write an equation for Vout:






Substituting iout into the equation for vout yields:



Therefore, the gain of the push pull stage is given by




Finally, the theoretical gain of Stage Two is given by:






Neglecting the capacitive impedances has likely led to the shortage

of gain in our hand calculations. Since the parallel impedance of R1 and R2

is in the denominator and scaled by the load resistance, a more accurate

gain calculation would include the impedance of the 220uF capacitors.

LTspice does not neglect those capacitors, which is why the simulations using

these values yields a gain of -10.


Plugging the gain back into the formula for Rin, Rin can be found by






Meeting Specifications:


AC Analysis (Gain Requirement)


The design specification for frequency response states that the gain of the

amplifier must be 10, and the amplifier must be able to pass a 100 Hz signal.



The frequency response of the amplifier plotted in LTspice can be observed above.

The amplifier has a high 3dB frequency of around 3 MHz theoretically, and a low

3dB frequency of around 6 Hz theoretically. Experimental results can be found below.



Testing the limits of the amplifier experimentally, we see above that the low 3dB

frequency (gain of 7.07) is lower than that of the simulation, around 3 Hz. The period is

shown on the oscilloscope as 2*167ms or 333ms. This means the frequency of the signal

is roughly 3 Hz.


Below, we see the high 3dB frequency of the amplifier is 350 kHz. This is much lower than

the simulated 3dB frequency. The ideal parameters in LTspice likely add to the 3dB frequency,

which is why experimental results yield a much lower value.






Transient Analysis (f = 10kHz)


For simple transient analysis to analyze and confirm the operation of the amplifier, a 100mV sine

wave was input to the amplifier to verify a gain of 10 at f = 10kHz.


100mV Input Signal, 1V Output Signal


Cursors were used to confirm that the experimental input signal matches

the input signal in LTspice.




The output signal has a peak-to-peak voltage of 2.16V (see below), while the

input signal has a peak-to-peak voltage of 200mV. The gain of ten is verified,

and the signal is out of phase by 180 degrees, meaning it is inverted. This

confirms our hand calculations for negative gain.






Output Swing


The output swing of the amplifier is important because it limits the signals that we can amplify before

clipping or “railing” occurs. A large input signal was fed into the amplifier so that it would rail, and the

output swing could be measured.



1V Input Signal, Measuring Experimental Output Swing


In the simulation above, we see that the output rails high at 2.63V, and rails

low at -1.71V. Taking the difference between the two voltages, the output swing of

the amplifier is 4.343V (theoretically)


Below, the experimental results are shown for the same input signal fed into the

Breadboard implementation of the amplifier. However, the output swing of the real

amplifier is larger than that of the simulation, with an output swing of 5.2V. The big

difference is that the experimental amplifier rails low 600mV lower than the

simulated amplifier.








Current Drawn under Quiescent Conditions (no input signal)


The current requirement was not an easy requirement to meet at first. In the first revision of the design,

two common source amplifiers (one NMOS and one PMOS) were cascaded to achieve a gain of 10, but the

current drawn from the power supply was nearly 7 mA, far above the specification. After adjusting values and

making lots of changes, the gain was 10, the current drawn was just over 800 µA, but the output swing was less

than 1V. It was concluded that a push-pull stage was absolutely necessary to meet all of the project specifications.


Below, we see the complete amplifier with no input signal (Vin is at ground). The current measured through V1, a

0 volt voltage source in series with the power supply, is 775 µA. This means that theoretically, the circuit meets

the current requirement.




Experimentally, a Kiethley 2450 SourceMeter, capable of sourcing voltage while measuring current, was used to

measure the current drawn from the power supply as it source 9V, and no input signal is connected. As we see from

the image below, the source meter measures 511 µA drawn as 9V is sourced. This means that experimentally, the

circuit meets the specification for current limitations as well.







Passing a 100 Hz Signal


A 10mV sine wave was fed into the amplifier to verify a gain of 10 at 100 Hz.

Below, we see that theoretically, the design meets the specification.



A 100mV peak-to-peak sine wave was fed into the amplifier on the breadboard, since 10mV

signals are far noisier. We see that the output voltage has a delta of over 1, which means that

experimentally, the amplifier can pass a 100 Hz signal with a gain of 10 as well.





Speed of Design Driving a 1k Load (10kHz Square Wave Input)


Square Wave Output with Gain of 10




The timing measurements between the experimental results and the theoretical

simulation results do not compare well. Regardless, each characteristic was measured

experimentally and theoretically, below.



Time Delay Between Input and Output Signal



We see that the time delay between input and output for the amplifier is

Experimentally 10 times longer than that of the simulation results.



Rise Time of Output Signal



The experimental rise time is roughly 20 times greater than that of the

simulation results.


Fall Time of Output Signal



The fall time is experimentally 100 times larger in experimentation than

in simulation.



To summarize, the amplifier meets all of the specifications. It is capable of

driving a 1k resistive load, it has a gain of 10, it can pass a 100 Hz signal, it has

a large output swing, and it only draws 0.5 mA of current from a 9V supply.


In the future, the design could be improved to drive larger loads by adding a wide W

output stage, but this stage would burn up a bunch of power trying to drive loads.

As slow as the timing characteristics are in the circuit on the breadboard, however, it may

be worth the power consumption to speed up the circuit.





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