Lab 8 - EE 420L 

Authored by Jacob Reed

Due Date: April 10, 2019


In this lab you will characterize the transistors in the CD4007 (not the CD4007UB chip) and generate SPICE Level=1 models. Assume that the MOSFETs will be used in the design of circuits powered by a single +5 V power supply. In other words, don't characterize the devices at higher than +5 V voltages or lower than ground potential.

1.    ID v. VGS (0 < VGS < 3 V) with VDS = 3 V 

2.    ID v. VDS (0 < VDS < 5 V) for VGS varying from 1 to 5 V in 1 V steps, and 

3.    ID v. VGS (0 < VGS < 5 V) with VDS = 5 V for VSB varying from 0 to 3 V in 1 V steps. 

Experiment 1: NMOS

Figure 1: Pinout diagram for CD4007


For this experiment, we used the NMOS from pins 6, 7, and 8 to make measurements and generate the plots from above. We applied the voltages appropriately and then measured the drain current using the multimeter being in series with the drain of the MOSFET and the voltage source.


ID v. VGS (0 < VGS < 3 V) with VDS = 3 V 

Figure 2: Circuit used to simulate sweeping VGS where VDS = 3V

Figure 3: Experimentally generated plot for ID vs. VGS and VDS = 3V

Figure 4: Plot of ID vs. VGS using Level=1 model parameters


ID v. VDS (0 < VDS < 5 V) for VGS varying from 1 to 5 V in 1 V steps

Figure 5: Circuit used to simulate sweeping VDS and varying VGS

*NOTE*: With VGS = 1V and sweeping VDS,

ID = 0 all across

Figure 6: ID vs. VDS as VDS is swept and VGS = 2V

Figure 7: ID vs. VDS as VDS is swept and VGS = 3V

Figure 8: ID vs. VDS as VDS is swept and VGS = 4V

Figure 9: ID vs. VDS as VDS is swept and VGS = 5V

Figure 10: Plot of ID vs. VDS using Level=1 parameters


For figure 6 above, I believe there may have been an error with how we were measuring the current or how we had the circuit set up. The current is much

higher than it should be. This was not realized until after it was too late to try and revisit the circuit. The other plots (figures 7, 8, and 9) agree much better.


ID v. VGS (0 < VGS < 5 V) with VDS = 5 V for VSB varying from 0 to 3 V in 1 V steps

Figure 11: Circuit used to simulate sweeping VGS and varying VSB

Figure 12: ID vs. VGS as VGS is swept and VSB = 0V and VDS = 5V

Figure 13: ID vs. VGS as VGS is swept and VSB = 1V and VDS = 5V

Figure 14: ID vs. VGS as VGS is swept and VSB = 2V and VDS = 5V

Figure 15: ID vs. VGS as VGS is swept and VSB = 3V and VDS = 5V

Figure 16: Plot of ID vs. VGS using Level=1 parameters


The simulation plots for this circuit seem to be similar in shape, however, the values are far off from one another. I will update the model text file

and show an updated version below.

Experiment 2: PMOS

Figure 17: Pinout for CD4007

For this experiment, we used the PMOS from pins 1, 2, and 3 to make measurements and generate the plots from above. We applied the voltages appropriately and then measured the drain current using the multimeter being in series with the drain of the MOSFET.


ID v. VSG (0 < VSG < 3 V) with VSD = 3 V 

Figure 18: Circuit used to simulate sweeping VSG and VSD = 3V

Figure 19: ID vs. VSG

Figure 20: Plot of ID vs. VSG using Level=1 parameters


ID v. VSD (0 < VSD < 5 V) for VSG varying from 1 to 5 V in 1 V steps

Figure 21: Circuit used to simulate sweeping VSD and varying VSG

*NOTE*: With VSG = 1V and sweeping VSD,

ID = 0 all across

Figure 22: ID vs. VSD where VSG = 2V

Figure 23: ID vs. VSD where VSG = 3V

Figure 24: ID vs. VSD where VSG = 4V

Figure 25: ID vs. VSD where VSG = 5V

Figure 26: Plot of ID vs. VSD using Level=1 parameters


For this one, obviously the threshold voltage is set too high in the model parameters since there is no current for both VSG = 1V and 2V.


ID v. VSG (0 < VSG < 5 V) with VSD = 5 V for VBS varying from 0 to 3 V in 1 V steps

Figure 27: Circuit used to simulate sweeping VSG and varying VBS where VSD = 5V

Figure 28: ID vs. VSG where VBS = 0V and VSD = 5V

Figure 29: ID vs. VSG where VBS = 1V and VSD = 5V

Figure 30: ID vs. VSG where VBS = 2V and VSD = 5V

Figure 31: ID vs. VSG where VBS = 3V and VSD = 5V

Figure 32: Plot of ID vs. VSG using Level=1 parameters


Experiment 3


For this experiment, we will be using the plots from above to create a Level=1 model of both the NMOS and PMOS used from the CD4007. We will be using this model

to simulate the MOSFETs in LTSpice and compare the simulations to the experimentally generated plots. The parameters to be calculated are: VTO, TOX, KP,





To find VTO, we just need to look at figures 3 and 19. Figure 3 will help us estimate the threshold voltage of the NMOS by drawing a line along the slope of the plot where

it becomes linear. The value for VGS as it intersects with the x-axis will tell us the threshold voltage. The same holds for the PMOS.

Knowing the above,




To calculate TOX, we find in the textbook that  where .

We also know,

We can now solve for TOX:



To calculate KP, we must look at figures 3 and 19 again. Looking at a voltage that is above VTO, find its corresponding ID value and then using the square-law equation,

we can solve for KP. In doing so, we see that when VGS = 3V, IDN = 678µA and when VSG = 3V, IDP = 276µA.


Solving for KP we get:




To find lambda for both NMOS and PMOS, we must look at the experimentally generated plots for the ID vs. VDS @ VGS = 3V and ID vs. VSD @ VSG = 3V, respectively.

The corresponding plots are figures 7 and 23. Find the slope in the saturation region (finding ID at VDS/VSD = 3V and 2.5, subtracting them and dividing by 0.5V) and dividing

the slope by ID,sat which can be found by finding out what the ID is at the threshold voltage for each device.





To find gamma, we turn to the textbook and find



Figure 33: CD4007 Level=1 Model Parameters


The parameters above were used for the plots above. After examining the discrepancies, I updated the model parameters text file which is seen below.



Figure 34: CD4007 Model Parameters to improve matching

Figure 35: ID vs. VGS with VDS = 5V and VSB varying

Figure 36: Improved ID vs. VGS with VDS = 5V and VSB varying


The biggest disparity for the NMOS experiment was ID vs. VGS with VDS = 5V and varying VSB from 0V to 3V. The screenshot in the middle is from the original

model parameters, and the screenshot on the right is the updated plot.



Figure 37: CD4007 Model Parameters to improve matching

Figure 38: ID vs. VSD for VSG varying from 1V to 5V

Figure 39: Improved ID vs. VSD for VSG varying from 1V to 5V


Figure 40: ID vs. VSG where VSD = 5V and VBS varying

Figure 41: Improved ID vs. VSG where VSD = 5V and VBS varying


The biggest disparities for the PMOS experiment was ID vs. VSD for VSG varying from 1V to 5V, and ID vs. VSG where VSD = 5V and VBS varied from 0V to 3V.

The screenshots in the middle are from the original model parameters, and the screenshots on the right are the updated plots.


Experiment 4: Inverter Delay


For this experiment, we will be using one of the AC test circuits from the CD4007 datasheet. Below are figures of the test circuit I am using and the method of measurement of the delay.

Figure 42: AC Test Circuit from CD4007 Datasheet

Figure 43: Switching Waveform (to calculate propagation delay)


Figure 44: Experimental measurement of propagation delay from high to low

From figure 44, we can see that


Figure 45: Original CD4007 Model Parameters

Figure 46: AC Test Circuit in LTSpice

Figure 47: Resulting measurement of propagation delay


We can see from figure 47 that the propagation delay is the difference of the two measurements .

The matching is reasonable, and the parameters should not have to be changed to improve matching.

I will, however, see what the delay is with the improved model parameters used above.


Figure 48: Improved CD4007 Model Parameters

Figure 49: AC Test Circuit in LTSpice using improved model parameters

Figure 50: Measurement of delay


From figure 50, the delay is  The improved model parameters made the simulated delay further off from the experimental measurement.

I believe that this is due to the change that I made to lambda.



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