Lab 7 - EE 420L 

Authored by Jacob Reed

Due Date: April 3, 2019


Design an audio amplifier (frequency range from roughly 100 Hz to 20 kHz) assuming that you can use as many resistors, ZVN3306A transistors, and ZVP3306A transistors as you need along with only one 10 uF capacitor and one 100 uF capacitor. Assume that the supply voltage is 10 V, the input is an audio signal from an MP3 player (and so your amplifier should have at least a few kiloohms input resistance), and the output of your design is connected to a 25-ohm speaker (so, ideally, the output resistance of your amplifier is less than 1 ohm).


For this lab, I based my audio amplifier design off the push-pull amplifier we experimented with in Lab 6. I first simulated the schematic shown in the prelab (using a 25Ω resistor).


Figure 1: Circuit Schematic

Figure 2: Circuit Waveforms


I know from Lab 6 that if you increase R1 in this circuit that you will, in turn, increase the gain. I do not know exactly the size of the audio signal produced by an MP3

player, but I can assume that the signal will be small. This is the reason why an amplifier is required in order for humans to be able to hear the music. For my design

of this audio amplifier, I will try to increase the gain of the amplifier by looking at the resistor between the gates and drains of both the NMOS and PMOS. Let’s first

look at some hand calculations to find the gain of the push-pull amplifier above (neglecting RS1, Rspeaker1, and Vout1).


All of the below hand calculations were found using:



DC Calculations

AC Calculations

Input and Output Resistance




Input Resistance:



Output Resistance:





Figure 3: Circuit Implementation to decide optimal value for R1

Figure 4: Voltage gain for each resistor value from 10k to 100k incrementing in steps of 10k

Figure 5: Simulation waveforms for speaker power dissipation, circuit power draw, and output swing

Figure 6: Input Resistance Measurement

Figure 7: AC Analysis Speaker Power Dissipation

Figure 8: Output Resistance Measurement



After reviewing the data given above, we decided to choose R1 to be 20kΩ.


DC Calculations

AC Calculations

Input and Output Resistance




Input Resistance:



Output Resistance:




Figure 9: Circuit Implementation with resistor value chosen (20k)

Figure 10: Voltage gain

Figure 11: Simulation waveforms of speaker power dissipation, circuit power draw, and output swing

Figure 12: Input Resistance Measurement

Figure 13: AC Analysis Speaker Power Dissipation

Figure 14: Output Resistance Measurement


Experimental Measurements:


Figure 15: Voltage gain of audio amplifier with 20k resistor

Figure 16: Voltage gain of music signal with 20k resistor

Figure 17: Voltage gain of audio amplifier with 100k resistor

Figure 18: Voltage gain of music signal with 100k resistor


Gain of 20k audio amp: 560 (if doubled, it would be 1.12, which is consistent with 1.006 calculated above).

Gain of 100k audio amp: 1.18 (if doubled, it would be 2.36)


We notice that the output swing of the output voltage is approximately half of what was simulated and calculated above.

I believe that this is due to an error made where R2 was not connected to the circuit correctly and was not realized

until it was too late. This means that instead of an output resistance of 12.5Ω, the output resistance was 25Ω. Thus, the voltage

drop across the speaker was doubled, and half the voltage expected was measured. Otherwise, the calculations, simulations,

and experimental measurements appear to agree.


Figure 19: Video of audio amplifier playing music with 20k resistor (click picture)

Figure 20: Video of audio amplifier playing music with 100k resistor (click picture)


As we can see from the videos above, when the 20k resistor is used, the sound output of the speaker is lower than when

the 100k resistor is used. We wanted to test what the song “Bennie And The Jets” sounded like with each resistor value.

The videos show that we can compare the output signals and see that the output signal of the audio amplifier with a 100k

resistor between the gates and drains of the NMOS and PMOS is higher.



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