Lab 8 - EE 420L
Lab description
In this lab you will characterize the transistors in the CD4007 (not the CD4007UB chip)
and generate SPICE Level=1 models. Assume that the MOSFETs will be used
in the design of circuits powered by a single +5 V power supply. In
other words, don't characterize the devices at higher than +5 V
voltages or lower than ground potential.
1. ID v. VGS, VGS varies from 0 to 3V, VDS = 3V
To generate the ID vs. VGS plot, VGS is connected to the function generator with a waveform that varies from 0 to 3V, while VDS is set to 3V. From here, we placed the multimeter in series with the source of the mosfet to ground in order for us to get a current reading at each interval of VGS.
Experimental Plot:
Comparing our simulated and experimental results, we can see that the plots have a similar VTO but our experimental reach a slightly higher current level at 3V. Experimentally, we see a current of 1.65mA but in the simulation, we were seeing a current of about 1.65mA. While the difference isn't very large, we adjusted our Kp to get a more exact comparison.
2. ID v. VDS, VDS varies from 0 to 5V, VGS values from 1 to 5V in 1V steps
VGS 1 = Light Green
VGS 2 = Dark Blue
VGS 3 = Magenta
VGS 4 = Teal
VGS 5 = Purple
Calculations Nmos Model:
Assume l = 5um and w = 500um, lets find parameters: VTO, GAMMA, KP, LAMBDA, and TOX
Looking at part 1, we can estimate VTO = 1.45V, while data measured in part 2 and VGS is at 3V IDsat can bee seen as approximately IDsat = 1.56mA
Kpn = ID*2*(L/W)/(VGS-VTO)^2 = 1.56mA*2*0.01/(1.6)^2 then KPn = 12.11uA
Lambda = slope/IDsat where slope = (1.6541mA - 1.56mA)/(5-1.5) = 0.02689mA/V. Then Lambda = 0.01723 A/V
tox = Eox/C'ox where Eox = Er*Eo = 3.9*8.85*10^(-18)F/um = 3.4515*10^(-17)F/um where C'ox = 15pF/(5*500*10^(-12)) = 0.667fF/um^2 , here we used 15pF for Cox from the datasheet of CD4007UBE.
resulting in tox = 51.74nm
g = sqr(2*q*Es*NA)/sqr(C'ox) = sqr(0.000496768) then gamma = 0.0222V
3. ID v. VGS, VGS varies from 0 to 5V, VDS = 5V, and VSB changes from 0 to 3V in 1V steps.
For this circuit, we placed a 5V supply onto the drain and grounded the body while the source is supplied with a voltage of 0-3V in 1V increments. The gate voltage will be varied from 0-3V for VS=0, 1-4V for VS=1V, 2-5V for VS=2V, and 3-5V for VS=3V
1. ID v. VGS, VGS varies from 0 to 3V, VDS = 3V
To generate the ID vs. VGS plot, VGS is connected to the function generator with a waveform that varies from 0 to 3V, while VDS is set to 3V. From here, we placed the multimeter in series with the source of the mosfet to ground in order for us to get a current reading at each interval of VGS.
Experimental Plot:
2. ID v. VDS, VDS varies from 0 to 5V, VGS values from 1 to 5V in 1V steps
The main difference we saw between our simulated and experimental results was that the calculated VTO for the model might be slightly too high since we know for a fact we should have some current flowing at VSG = 2 from the experimental plots.
Calculations Pmos Model:
Assume l = 5um and w = 500um, lets find parameters: VTO, GAMMA, KP, LAMBDA, and TOX
By observation of the data measured in part 1 VTO = -1.65V, while data measured in part 2 and VSG is at 3V IDsat can bee seen as approximately IDsat = 0.90mA
Kpn = ID*2*(L/W)/(VGS-VTO)^2 = 0.87mA*2*0.01/(1.6)^2 then KPn = 6.6uA
Lambda = slope/IDsat where slope = (1.05mA - 0.87mA)/(5-2) = 0.06mA/V. Then Lambda = 0.063/V
tox = Eox/C'ox where Eox = Er*Eo = 3.9*8.85*10^(-18)F/um = 3.4515*10^(-17)F/um where C'ox = 15pF/(5*500*10^(-12)) = 0.667fF/um^2 , here we used 15pF for Cox from the datasheet of CD4007UBE.
resulting in tox = 51.74nm
g = sqr(2*q*Es*NA)/sqr(C'ox) = sqr(0.000496768) then gamma = 0.0222V
Experiment 3: Characterization of CMOS Inverter (CB4007UB)