Lab 1 - EE420L 

Authored by Marco Muņiz,











Lab Description:
        For this first lab simulate, and verify the simulation results with experimental measurements, the circuits seen in Figs. 1.21, 1.22, and 1.24 (use a 1uF cap in place of the 1pF cap) of the book. Your results should be similar to, but more complete than, the simulation results seen on pages 17 - 23. In your report, and for each circuit, show the

    For the AC response seen in Fig. 1.23 generate a table showing some representative measurement results (frequency, magnitude, and phase). If you would like to include a plot of this measured data then using a plotting program, such as Excel, add the image to your report.





Main Lab:


Part 1:


For the first part of the lab, we will be analyzing different RC Circuits from the CMOSedu textbook. 


Fig. 1.21 Analysis  


Circuit Schematic along with Hand calculations for given RC circuit.


  file:///C:/Users/mmuni/Pictures/Lab1/fig1_21.JPG   file:///C:/Users/mmuni/Pictures/Lab1/1_21%20Hand%20Calcs.JPG

                (Fig 1.21 Schematic)                                     (Hand Calculations for Fig. 1.21 @ 200Hz)                              



From the Phase Calculations, we can see that the sign is negative. This would indicate that the output is lagging the Input, which is what we would expect in a RC circuit.


Simulation Results: 


                                                                      (Transient Analysis of Fig. 1.21 @ 200Hz)


In the above plot, we can see how close our simulation results compare to our calculated results. The voltages are quite close with only a slight change of 15us in the delay time.



                                                          (AC Sweep of Fig. 1.21 @ .ac 100 1 100k)


In the AC Sweep plot for Fig. 1.21, we see that slightly above 200 Hz, we begin to see a drop of about 20dB per decade with the phase going down to -45 degrees which signifies the output is lagging the input. 


Experimental Results: 

file:///C:/Users/mmuni/Pictures/Lab1/TEK00007.PNG   file:///C:/Users/mmuni/Pictures/Lab1/TEK00006.PNG  

                                                               (Oscilloscope results for Fig. 1.21 @ 200Hz)


In the Oscilloscope plots above, we can see the measured values in the bottom right menu. In the output signal, we see a voltage output of approximately 640mV, a phase of -48.9 degrees, and a Time delay of 712us. These values are within 10% of our calculated and simulated values. 

file:///C:/Users/mmuni/Pictures/Lab1/fig1_21_spreadsheet.JPG  file:///C:/Users/mmuni/Pictures/Lab1/fig1_21_spreadsheet2.JPG


In the spreadsheet on the left, we have the oscilloscope values collected for the Circuit in Fig. 1.21. For the really high frequencys, the oscilloscope was having some issues taking measurements. Because of this, the values of 100k Hz we derived from theoretical values of what would occur in the RC circuit. On the right, we have a comparison of all values collected for this circuit. V(dB) = 20*log(|Vout/Vin|)



Fig. 1.22 Analysis   


  file:///C:/Users/mmuni/Pictures/Lab1/fig1_22.JPG  file:///C:/Users/mmuni/Pictures/Lab1/1_22%20Hand%20Calcs.JPG

                        (Fig. 1.22 Schematic)                                                      (Hand Calculations for Fig. 1.22 @ 200Hz)


  As in the calculations for Fig. 1.21, we can see that the phase is negative which indicates that the output is still lagging the input. 


Simulation Results:


                                                                 (Transient Analysis of Fig. 1.22 @ 200Hz)


 In the above simulation plot, we can see how close our values are to the theoretical values with Vout = 695mV and a Td = 93 us



                                                           (AC Sweep of Fig. 1.22 @ .ac 100 1 100k)


In the AC Sweep for Fig. 1.22, we see a significant difference to the results in Fig. 1.21. Particularly, the phase in this circuit is approximately zero for both Very low and Very high Frequencies. Also, the overall voltage magnitude only drops to about 4 dB. 



Experimental Results:

file:///C:/Users/mmuni/Pictures/Lab1/TEK00005.PNG  file:///C:/Users/mmuni/Pictures/Lab1/TEK00003.PNG

                                                                  (Oscilloscope results for Fig. 1.22 @ 200Hz)


In the above Oscilloscope results, we can see the experimental values of the circuit in Fig. 1.22. Overall, the values we see are close to what we would expect with a Output Magnitude of 720mV and a Phase of -6.3 degrees. However, we did see some bigger changes in our Time delay. We recorded a delay of 128us which was a decent amount off from the 94us calculated. We attributed this to user error considering it was our first time using these newer oscilloscopes. 




In the above spreadsheet, we have the values of our various parts listed. Overall, the output magnitude values are fairly close but the biggest issue we had was with the Time Delay calculations, in which we see a difference of about 35 us.

Fig. 1.24 Analysis :


Td = 0.7*RC = 0.7 * 1k * 1u = 700us

Tr = 2.2*RC = 2.2 * 1k * 1u = 2.2ms


Simulation Results:


                                                               (Fig. 1.24 Time Delay Results)

We recorded the delay time as the amount of time it took the output to reach its 50% mark.


                                                                (Fig. 1.24 Rise Time Results)    


We recorded the rise time as the amount of time it takes to go from 10% to 90% of the output signal. 

In both simulation results, we see very little disparity between our calculated and simulated results.
Experimental Results:
file:///C:/Users/mmuni/Pictures/Lab1/TEK00001.PNG  file:///C:/Users/mmuni/Pictures/Lab1/TEK00002.PNG
In the spreadsheet above, we all recorded values for Fig. 1.24. Overall, we see not much variation in the results. The Experimental results were slightly off but we attribute this to user error with oscilloscopes we are not familiar with.
All work is backed up onto my student Google Drive.  



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