Lab 9 - EE 420 

Author:    Nicholas Mingura




Lab description:

In this lab you may need to use two, or more, CD4007 chips from the same production lot (see date code on the top of chip) to ensure using a BMR to bias a current mirror is possible. If the CD4007 chips are not from the same production lot they will not "match" so current mirrors will not be possible.




For the lab studnets were given the following BMR circuit and to choose a resistor value for R1 based on chips. 



Image 1: Given BMR circuit.


While the above process shows that the 50k resistor was the value calculated for the chip, the values through out the lab were not what was expected. This could be due to a mischaracterizationof the chip from the previous lab, giving differnt values for the parameters that were used for calculating the resistor. For the experiments the following points were measured for our values: Vbiasn ( M3 gate), Vbiasp (M2 gate), and the voltage across the resistor to obtain Iref. Originally the multimeter was going to be put in series with the resistor to get the current, but the current was so low that the multimeter was unable to read the current, however the voltage was large enough for the multimeter to read. Then the voltage was divided by the resistance to get the current. 


After getting the table the values were put into excel plots to see how the plots looked. To the right of each of the excel plots is an LTSpice simulation of the same circuit to see if they are working as expected. 


file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%209/Vbiasn_1.JPG  file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%209/PMOS_Sim_1.JPG

Image 3: Vbiasn plot for the BMR circuit.



Image 4: Vbiasp plot for the BMR circuit.


From the simulations and the experimental values it can be seen that the voltages in the biasp is nearly the graph, however the vbiasn does not flatten at the same point. This could be that resistor value was chosen incorrectly, however the equations above still seem to be true. Additionally the LTSpice models were made characterizing one chip but these lab required two chips, it is possible that the chips are slightly differnt so the values will be slightly off.


After creating the BMR circuit it was tested with both a nmos and pmos current mirror showing the current going through each of them.


file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%209/NMOS_Circuit%201.JPG file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%209/PMOS_Circuit_1.JPG

Image 6: Nmos (Left) and Pmos (Right) current mirrors with BMR circuit. 


After getting the values they were made into excel plots and simulated in LTSpice as shown below. 


file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%209/ID_NMOS_1.JPG file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%209/ID_PMOS_1.JPG

Image 7: Nmos (Left) and Pmos (Right) current measured with BMR circuit. 




Image 8: Nmos (top) and Pmos (bottom) current simulation with BMR circuit. 


From the graphs it can be seen that the currents in both the nmos and pmos are very close in the nA range, however they are slightly differnt from each other. This still could just be an issue that the now three chips interacting with each other have slight differences in them changing what we expect to see. 


After measuring the current through each the nmos and pmos they were given a load of two gate drain connected pmos/nmos and the current was measure again. 


file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%209/NMOS_Circuit%202.JPG file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%209/PMOS_Circuit_2.JPG

Image 9: Nmos (Left) and Pmos (Right) current mirrors with two gate drain Pmos/Nmos load. 


After getting the values they were made into excel plots and simulated in LTSpice as shown below. 


file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%209/ID_NMOS_2.JPG file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%209/ID_PMOS_2.JPG

Image 10: Nmos (Left) and Pmos (Right) current measured with two gate drain Pmos/Nmos load. 




Image 11: Nmos (top) and Pmos (bottom) current simulation with two gate drain Pmos/Nmos load.


This experiment is the farest off from the simulation and the final values are off by large factors. This could be due to the chip variations with the now three chips being used to create this experiment. Additionally the resistor could have been the wrong value but with no load the issue wasnt as apparent as it is with the two pmos and nmos loads. 


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