Lab 1 - EE 420L 

Author: Nicholas Mingura




Lab Description:
        For this first lab simulate, and verify the simulation results with experimental measurements, the circuits seen in Figs. 1.21, 1.22, and 1.24 (use a 1uF cap in place of the 1pF cap) of the book. Your results should be similar to, but more complete than, the simulation results seen on pages 17 - 23. In your report, and for each circuit, show the
    For the AC response seen in Fig. 1.23 generate a table showing some representative measurement results (frequency, magnitude, and phase). If you would like to include a plot of this measured data then using a plotting program, such as Excel, add the image to your report.

Lab Results:
        For the first experiment the group recreated the circuit in LTspice, which can be seen in Image 1.
    Image 1: Figure 1.21 RC circuit.
    After creating the circuit the next step was to calculate the magnitude response, phase response, as well as the time delay (Image 2).
    Image 2: Magnitude response, phase response, and time delay for the circuit shown in Image 1.
    Following the calculations of the theoretical values of circuit the group was to make the circuit in LTspice to ensure that the hand calculations matched. The magnitude response and time delay can be seen in Image 3, while the phase response can be seen in Image 4.
    Image 3:
Magnitude response and time delay from LTspice for the Figure 1.21 (Image 1)
file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%201/Fig%201.21%20Phase%20Sim.JPG file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%201/Fig%201.22%20Amplitude%20Sim%20Results.JPG
    Image 4:
Phase response from LTspice for Figure 1.21 (Image 1).
    After simulating the circuit in LTspice the group recreated the circuit on a breadboard and compared the values we calculated to the experimental values. The magnitude and phase response can be seen in Image 5, while the time delay can be seen in Image 6.
file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%201/Fig%201.21%20Amplitude.PNG file:///C:/Users/oit/Desktop/EE%20420L/1.21%20excell%20con.JPG
    Image 5:
Experimental values for magnitude response and phase response of Figure 1.21 (Image 1).
    Image 6:
Experimental value for time delay of Figure 1.21 (Image 1).
    The next circuit that was for the lab was given in Figure 1.22(Image 7) and the magnitude response, phase reponse, and time delay were calculated(Image 8)
    Image 7: Figure 1.22 RC circuit.
    Image 8: Theoretical values for Figure 1.22 (Image 8)
    After calculating the the theoretical values for Figure 1.22 the circuit was recreated in LTspice to ensure that the hand calculations were correct. The magnitude response and time delay can be seen in Image 9, while the phase response can be seen in Image 10.
file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%201/Fig%201.22%20Amplitude%20Sim.JPG file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%201/Fig%201.22%20Amplitude%20Sim%20Results.JPG
    Image 9: Magnitude response and time delay from LTspice for the Figure 1.22 (Image 7).
    Image 10: Phase response from LTspice for Figure 1.22 (Image 7).
    Following simulating the circuit in LTspice the next step was to recreate the circuit on a breadboard and compare the theoretical and simulation values. The magnitude response and phase response can be seen in Image 11, and the time delay can be seen in Image 12.
file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%201/Fig%201.22%20Amplitude.png file:///C:/Users/oit/Desktop/EE%20420L/1.22%20excell.JPG
    Image 11: Experimental values for magnitude response and phase response of Figure 1.22 (Image 7).
    Image 12: Experimental value for time delay of Figure 1.22 (Image 7).
    The next circuit for the lab was given to the student from figure 1.24 (Image 13), like the following circuits the next step was to calculate the theoretical values, except this time time dealy and rise time were calculated (Image 14).
    Image 13: Figure 1.24 RC circuit.
    Image 14: Theoretical values for Figure 1.24 (Image 13)
    Next the circuit was recreated in LTspice to ensure the the hand calculations were correct, where the magnitude response and time delay can be seen in Image 15 and the time delay can be seen in Image 16.
file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%201/Fig%201.23%20Time%20Delay%20Sim.JPG file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%201/Fig%201.24%20Delay%20Time%20Results.JPG
    Image 15:
Magnitude response and time delay from LTspice for the Figure 1.24 (Image 13).
file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%201/Fig%201.24%20Rise%20Time%20Sim.JPG file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%201/Fig%201.24%20Rise%20Time%20Sim%20Results.JPG
    Image 16:
Phase response from LTspice for Figure 1.24 (Image 13).
    Following the simulation of figure 1.24 (Image 13) the circuit was recreated on a breadboard and had the value compared to the simulation and theoretical values.
file:///C:/Users/Nicholas/Desktop/EE%20420L%20Photos/Lab%201/Fig%201.24%20Delay%20Time.PNG file:///C:/Users/oit/Desktop/EE%20420L/1.24%20excell.JPG
    Image 17:
Experimental value of time delay for Figure 1.24 (Image 13).
    Image 18:
Experimental values for rise time of Figure 1.24 (Image 13).



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