Lab 7 - EE 420L 

Authored by Your Name, Cody McDonald

Today's date: 3/31/2019



0. Pre-lab

1. Hand Calculations

2. Simulations

3. Built and Tested Design


Lab description


Pre-lab work

Design an audio amplifier (frequency range from roughly 100 Hz to 20 kHz) assuming that you can use as many resistors, ZVN3306A transistors, and ZVP3306A transistors as you need along with only one 10 uF capacitor and one 100 uF capacitor. Assume that the supply voltage is 10 V, the input is an audio signal from an MP3 player (and so your amplifier should have at least a few kiloohms input resistance), and the output of your design is connected to an 8-ohm speaker (so, ideally, the output resistance of your amplifier is less than 1 ohm).


Part 1: Hand Calculations

Your lab report should detail your thoughts on the design of the amplifier including hand-calculations.


We were recommended to take a look at the design of a push-pull amplifier below:


Figure 1:Push-pull amplifier topology with corresponding voltage input and output.


This topology is great at sinking and sourcing current, however it has a large output resistance. To combat this, a source-follower topology can be added since that topology has an inherent low output resistance. Added to the push-pull amplifier, our schematic should look like this:

However, upon actually implementing the circuit onto a breadboard we found that our circuit was burning any resistor that was placed at R4. This may have been the result of the circuit allowing an excessive amount of current to flow through R4. So instead we utilized the push-pull topology above and adjusted a few values to fit our design:


This design produces a -17.675 gain where R2 is the primary parameter that will determine the gain of this circuit. However, to keep the output resistance low we will be keeping R2 at 25ohms to match the speaker resistance.





DC Analysis:


AC Analysis:














Part 2: Simulations

Simulate your design. Document the results in your lab report. Document the performance of the design including power dissipation, output swing, input resistance, output



Adjusting R2

To confirm our calculations that the gain can be adjusted with R2 we ran several simulations while changing R2. We were able to confirm that the gain could be increased by increasing R2. We chose 25ohms as our final design choice as it seemed like a reasonable gain to display on our oscilloscope.


25ohm resistor




50ohm resistor





200ohm resistor





Adjusting R1

We also chose to adjust R1 to see the effects it has upon the circuit. We were able to evaluate that R1, when increased, can also increase the gain. We will test both of these circuits and evaluate their effects on a signal input.


Schematic: 20k resistor


Schematic: 100k resistor



Power consumption simulation:

We have found the power consumed by these circuits to be 2.64W



Resistance simulations:

In both design choices, we found the output resistance to be close to 13.5ohms, which is a good number as we want output resistance to be as low as possible. The input resistances in both the 20k and 100k design were 12.5k and 22.5k respectively. A high input resistance is more desirable.


Input Resistance with 20k resistor

Input Resistance with 100k resistor


Output Resistance with 20k resistor

Output Resistance with 100k resistor



Part 3: Built and Tested Design

Build and test your design. 


We chose to test both the 20k and 100k designs to show the change in output between the two. We found that the 100k model increased the gain as the volume was much louder than the 20k model.


Here is our circuit implemented onto the breadboard:


This circuit was tested by inputting a sine wave at 1v and 1kHz frequency to determine the gain




Function generator signal of 1V at 1kHz

Gain: -3.5

Gain: -7.125

Music signal




We recorded a couple videos to show the difference between the two circuits as well showing the working operation of the amplifier.


20k video:


100k video:

Power Dissipated:

We found that our circuit only dissipated 140W of power. This is more efficient than we previously simulated, but it is still within the ballpark of our theoretical results.


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