Project - ECE 420L 

Authored by Kyle Butler,


Project – design a voltage amplifier with a gain of 10 using either the ZVN3306A or ZVP3306A (or both) MOSFETs and as many resistors and capacitors as you need.
You should try to get as fast a design as possible driving a 1k load, with an input resistance greater than 50k, with as large of output swing as possible.
AC coupling input and output is okay as long as your design can pass a 100 Hz input signal. Your report, in html, should detail your design considerations, and measured results showing the amplifier's performance.
Your design can draw no more, under quiescent conditions (no input signal), than 1 mA from a +9 V supply voltage. Your report is due at the beginning of lab on Wednesday, May 8. Access to your lab accounts will be removed at this time.


To begin this design I review previous labs, specifically lab 6, in order to help make a decision as to which topology would be the best base for this project.
A push-pull amplifiier can be used as a transimpedance amplifier because it has a high gain and can drive a load.

The limiting parameter in this design is a draw of less than 1 mA from a +9V power supply, for this design we will use 0.8mA. Additionaly we need to ensure an input resistance greater than 50k, which will not be an issue for a push-pull topology because the input resistance is so great.

Push-Pull design from Lab 6:

From this design we can see there is no limiting resistor from VDD to ground except transconductance(gm). Which is a small resistance and will result in a large current draw.

In order to control the current draw a current limiting resistor will be added to the source of the NMOS, however since this resistance will be used in the gain calculation it may be neccessary to split the resistor with the source of the PMOS in order to help share the limitinng of the current draw.

General Schematic for Design
 The resistor RB has no effect on the gain or current draw, just the input resistor. This means the larger resistor we chose the larger the input resistance we will recieve. Because of the lab supplies we chose a 30MEG resistor for Rb.

Before we begin hand calculations to find good values for R1 and R2 we need to know some parameters of these transistors.
 From spice models in lab 6:
Kpn = 0.1233Vthn = 1.824V
Kpp = 0.145Vthp = 2.875V

Now lets find an expression for drain current as well as gain.
Hand Calculations:
From the hand calculations above we should select R1=5K Ohms, R2=100 Ohms, and RB = 30MEG.

Lets test these values in the simulations, remeber we need to split the 5K and 100 Ohms resistors on the source of both the PMOS and NMOS.

Notice the capacitors are addec to seperate the resistors in DC and allow for fine adjustments in AC, similar to placeing a potentiometer in line.

Here we are able to see a gain of approximately 11. This is fine because we are expecting a drop between simulation and gain and experimental gain from past experiements. Increasing R4 and R6 to 55ohms will result in a gain of 10.
It may be neccsarry to reduce R3 and R5 in order to be able to vary the gain since R4/R6 are already at such a low value.

                                                                                                                              Circuit                                                                                                                   Gain                                                                                                                                Current = Vdrop/Resistor 

From the images above we can see an approximate gain of 8.7. The input signal on the image reads 228mV, but it is acutally 100mV and there is some error on the oscilloscopes automatic measuring. Additionaly we had to use 2.2K resistors for R3/R5 because there were no 2.5K resistors in the lab at the time.
This results in a current of 2.07/2200 = 0.94mA. This meets the threshold for the current limitation.

We very nearly met all of the requirements for this lab, unfortunatley we are a little short on the gain. I beleive this is due to the 20% error allowed in these resistors and must have changed the over all experimental gain. This push-pull topology is very sensitive when refering to the allow flucuation on the resistor value.
This lab demonstrated how the push-pull amplifier can draw very littler current because of its large input resistance and effectiverly amplifiy a signal. In fact I have recently used this design to amplify the output of a microcontroller specificaly because the low current draw will not over draw current from the board.

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