Lab 2 - ECE 420L 

Authored by Kyle Butler,


Pre-lab work:

Lab work:
 Scope waveforms
In order to change the wave form from undercompensated/overcompensated to compensated simply rotate the screw inside of the connection terminal on the scope probe.
Below are the wave forms for undercompensatred, overcompensated, and compensated respectivly. Measurements are best when using a compensated probe.
Scope type settings
It is key to select the probe multiplier on the oscilloscope to match the probes scale (1x, 10x, or 100x). For this lab we chose to use 10x probe.
To do this begin by selecting the proper channel menu, we used the channel 1 menu button. This will bring up a small side window on the oscilloscopes monitor.
Using the fourth button from the top will change the probes multiplier, from the image below you can see we selected a 10x probe setting.
Draft schematic of 10:1 scope probe
For this section Dr. Baker has provided schematic of a 10:1 scope probe. We can see the 10:1 scale by measuring the scope_in voltage and seeing if the tip voltage is greater by a factor of 10.
The above schematic contain vaules given by Dr. Baker from the prelab. To properly simulate the tools used in lab we will need to change some values. Firstly we will change the scope_in capacitance to the
input impedance of the oscilloscope used in lab. We are using the TSD2xx oscilloscopes in the tbe350 lab.
For the sake of simplicity we will use 20pF for Ccable1 in the schematic. Next we will need to find the value of the Ccable capacitor, we used the multimeter to find the capacitance of a similarly lengthed cable.
Lets re-run the simulation with the new values. As you can see below the waveforms now look undercompensated.
We always compensate our scope tip before taking measurements. So we need to replace C1 in the simulation with a new value to represent a compensated probe, similar to experimental measurements.
To do this we will use circuit analysis, additionally we will prove that the voltage on the input of the scope is 0.1 the voltage on the probe tip.
Circuit analysis
Now lets rerun the simulation and verify that it has been compensated!
Devise an experiment
Our goal is to measure the capacitance of the cable on the scope probe. To test this we will make a RC circuit using a 100k resistor and the cable for capacitance. Using this RC circuit we will measure the time constant and solve for C.
Below is out circuit laid out on a breadboard, the blue wires are connected to our cable used to represent capacitance. Next to this image is our measured RC response.
From the RC response we can see a steady state vaule of 50uS, below are hand calculations to solve for C1.
Voltage divider with probe and cable
First we will measure the voltage divider using the compensated probe followed by measuring with the cable.
The image on the left is measuring the voltage divider with a compensated probe, the probe has a smaller capacitance when compared to the cable. We know this because we are able to see a charge and discharge in a 10kHz pulse.
If the capacitance was larger, like the image of the cable measurement on the right, the charge and discharge rate would be to slow to see during a pulse.
Test point
When designing a circuit for a PCB layout it is important to consider the permanence of the components. In order to not load our circuity on the board when connecting a cable we need some way to vary the capacitance with the length of the connected cable.
This can be done with a variating capacitor. Similar to the screw on a scope probe, we will change the onboard capacitance in order to compensate for a known length of cable. 

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