Lab 4 - EE 420L 

Andrew Buchanan,


Again, this lab will utilize the LM324 op-amp (LM324.pdf).

For the following questions and experiments assume VCC+ = +5V and VCC- = 0V.


·         Estimate, using the datasheet, the bandwidths for non-inverting op-amp topologies having gains of 1, 5, and 10.

·         Experimentally verify these estimates assuming a common-mode voltage of 2.5 V.

o    Your report should provide schematics of the topologies you are using for experimental verification along with scope pictures/results.

o    Associated comments should include reasons for any differences between your estimates and experimental results.


·         Repeat these steps using the inverting op-amp topology having gains of -1, -5, and -10. 


·         Design two circuits for measuring the slew-rate of the LM324. One circuit should use a pulse input while the other should use a sinewave input.

o    Provide comments to support your design decisions.

o    Comment on any differences between your measurements and the datasheet’s specifications.


Ensure that your html lab report includes your name, the date, and your email address at the beginning of the report (the top of the webpage).
When finished backup your work.

Estimate, using the datasheet, the bandwidths for non-inverting op-amp topologies having gains of 1, 5, and 10.

The Gain Bandwidth Product (GPB) is the closed loop gain multiplied by the bandwidth at that gain and is constant (1xBW=GBP).  So at a gain of 1 we can see from the data sheet that the Band width is at 1.3MHz. To find the BW of the 5 gain and the 10 gain you just divide 1.3MHz by the gain. 

1gain has a BW of 1.3MHz; 5gain has a BW of 260kHz;10gain has a BW of 130kHz

This is the simulation of the 1gain.


This is the simulation of the 5gain.


This is the simulation of the 10gain.


As you can see from the simulations the BW gets smaller as the gain gets larger.  This is also shown in the hand calculations.

Experimentally verify these estimates assuming a common-mode voltage of 2.5 V.

oYour report should provide schematics of the topologies you are using for experimental verification along with scope pictures/results.

oAssociated comments should include reasons for any differences between your estimates and experimental results.

When determining the BW of the op-amp you sweep the frequency until the output has droped by -3db or 70.7% of the output

The 1 gain we used was a signal of 200mV so the -3db of this voltage is 70.7% of this which is 141.4mV and the frequency that this was achieved was 700KHz

The 5 gain we used was a signal of 200mV and the -3db of this is 707mV at a frequency of 140kHz

The 10 gain we used was a signal of 100mv and the -3db was 707mV at a frequency of 80kHz. The reason that the voltage at 3db for the 10 gain and the 5 gain 0are the same is because I picked half the amplitude as the 5 gain and doubled the gain to 10. This caused the output voltages to match, but as you can see the BW is still effected by the gain.

The data is summerized below.





1 gain




5 gain




10 gain





Repeat these steps using the inverting op-amp topology having gains of -1, -5, and -10. 


Using the same method of estimation above we will find the BW of -1 to b 1.3MHz, -5 gain to be 260Hz, and the -10 gain to be 130kHz. Our simulation shows that the frequencies are lower than the estimated values.

The -1 gain we used was a signal of 200mV so the -3db of this voltage is 141.4mV and the frequency that this was achieved was 425KHz

The -5 gain we used was a signal of 200mV and the -3db of this is 707mV at a frequency of 125kHz


The -10 gain we used was a signal of 100mv and the -3db was 1.414V at a frequency of 65kHz

The Data is summerized below





1 gain




5 gain




10 gain




Design two circuits for measuring the slew-rate of the LM324. One circuit should use a pulse input while the other should use a sinewave input.

Provide comments to support your design decisions.

Comment on any differences between your measurements and the datasheet’s specifications.

Slew is the rate at which the op amp output changes fot a LM 324 the slew rate is about 0.4V/us


For our first experiment we used a voltage follower and pulsed it to see that the output cant follow as fast as the in put and we see some delay.

With this pulse we can take the input of 500mV and divide it by the rise time 1.418us and we get 0.352V/us which is very close to the data sheet.

For our second experiment we used a sinusoid input to a voltage follower.  If we sweep the amplitude you will notice that as the amplitude gets larger the slope on the output gets steeper, and if this slope gets steeper than the slew rate of the op amp the output will be distorted. This is because it cannot change fast enough to keep up with the sine wave.

With these results we can look at the rise time and see that if we take the output of 1.5V and divide it by the rise time we will get the slew rate. This is calculated to be 0.38V/us

Conclution:  I learned about slew rate and Band Width in this lab.  Reading the data sheet is very important when deciding whether you are looking for speed or gain.

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